We are building Common Law Jury Administrations in all 3,133 United States Counties. We will need four (4) Administrators and one Paraleagle per county with a total of about 15,000 positions to be filled Nationwide. This is a paid carear position with benifits. Jury Administrators are to remind themselves, other Jury Administrators, and Jurist at every opportunity that we must perform our duties with a sense of Honor, Justice, and Mercy. And that we are all here to perform the “Just Will of the Governor of the Universe.” This is how we may be ruled by God and not men.
Jury Administrators are to guard against tyrants who seek to abuse jurist particularly as follows:
Jury tampering: When a lawyer or judge instructs, directs, or gives orders to a jury, the lawyer-judge is tampering with the jury. He also tampers with testimony when he orders the answers to be either "yes" or "No." The lawyer or judge also tampers, fixes, and rigs the trial when he orders anything stricken from the record, or when he "rules" certain evidence and the truth to be inadmissible. This makes the trial and transcript fixed and rigged, because the jury does not hear the real truth and all the facts.
18 U.S. Code § 1504: Whoever attempts to influence the action or decision of any grand or petit juror of any court of the United States upon any issue or matter pending before such juror, or before the jury of which he is a member, or pertaining to his duties, by writing or sending to him any written communication, in relation to such issue or matter, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both
Jury Stacking: This is accomplished by jury questionnaires, which asks many inappropriate questions that become a tool of trial judges and prosecutors to profile and stack the jury for favorable results thereby maintaining the status quo for political favors. Some of the questions we have found on these questionnaires are as follows:
* Dates of birth, work and marital status of the potential juror and all members of the juror’s household.
* Sex, age and employment of children who do not reside with the juror.
* Education, knowledge of law, principal leisure time activities, civic, social, political or professional organizations to which the juror belong.
* Lists of television and/or radio news programs, newspapers, magazines that the juror receives their propaganda from.
* Did the juror’s, or member of their family, ever own a gun or belong to any kind of anti-gun or pro-gun club or organization or military service?
* Have juror’s family members or friends ever been audited by or had a dispute with any agency or department of the United States Government including the IRS, Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, etc. or any city or state government agency?
* Finally, the most revolting question which is couched in such a way that it leads the potential juror to conclude that the question is directly from the judge. “Do you have any ideas or prejudices that would hinder you from following the instructions that I [judge] will give as to the law?”
As Lysander Spooner, author of Trial by Jury 1852, so clearly pointed out: “governments cannot decide the law or exercise authority over jurors for such would be absolute government, absolute despotism… If the government can select the jurors, it will, of course, select those whom it supposes will be favorable to its enactments. And an exclusion of any of the freemen from eligibility is a selection of those not excluded. It will be seen, from the statutes cited, that the most absolute authority over the jury box that is, over the right of the people to sit in juries has been usurped by the government;” – Lysander Spooner, Trial by Jury, page 92, 1852
Jury Administrator Job Description: Jury Administrators are responsible for the orientation of the jury and to make sure that they are a fully informed Grand or Petit Jurist and to make sure that every jurist receives a “Jurist Handbook.” Jury Administrators are to assist the Grand Jury if they want to investigate an agency or an agent of an agency and be given full access to any agency data and information. They may question anyone within the agency. Their request for information is unlimited because the Grand Jury, being a representative of the People, is exercising their unalienable right as the sovereign. And, the government agents have a duty to answer because “silence when they have a duty to answer is fraud.” For that reason the right to remain silent cannot be claimed concerning government business because they have been trusted with certain authority and have a duty to answer concerning those authorities, to refuse to answer would have criminal consequences because they would be aiding and abetting in a cover-up.
Jury Administrators are the investigative body of the Grand Jury. When People have an issue with a bureaucrat and they and/or the County Committee of Safety cannot solve the issue it shall be referred to a Jury Administrator who will then address the issue. If the bureaucrat refuses correction the Jury Administrator may address the Grand Jury who can send the bureaucrat a “Write Mandamus.” If the bureaucrat ignores the Grand Jury they shall consider a criminal or civil presentment for removal from office and/or restitution for the injured party. Jury Administrators are to assist the Paralegal Secretary in their duties and visa-versa.
If a criminal complaint is brought to the attention of a Jury Administrator, they shall deliver the victim and the “affidavit of injury” to the Sheriff for review and further investigation. If the Sheriff finds cause the Sheriff shall bring the complaint before the Grand Jury and ask for an indictment. If the grand jury decides that a trial ought to be had, they indorse on it “a true bill;” if otherwise, “not a true bill” or “not found.” Likewise if the government through a prosecutor would like to seek an indictment they would need to deliver the victim and the “affidavit of injury” and any and all evidence to the Sheriff for review. If the Sheriff finds cause the Sheriff shall bring the complaint before the Grand Jury and ask for an indictment. Under no circumstance shall a prosecutor address the Grand Jury. Sheriffs and coroners are the only persons that have unbridled access to address the Grand Jury. Judges and Magistrates are not to address the petit or grand jury, with the exception of giving the oath.
In order to apply for these positions you will need to print the following aministartors_vow.pdf (108.38 KB) notorize and mail it to the address supplied (You must chose a committee on the vow).
All Jury Administrators and Paralegal Jury Administrators must take the following course that are found at www.NationalLibertyAlliance.org and receive a certificate of completion from NLA.
* Foundation Course
* Civics Course
* Constitutional Course
* Government by Consent Course
* Militia Course
* Court Access and the Common Law Course
* Administrators Acredit Course
NOTE: You can work as an Administrator at a reduced salary if you have taken the "Court Access and the Common Law Course" and are is process with the other courses. After all course have been taken you will receive the base salary. Your progress will be reviewed every three months until you complete all the courses. If you are not progressing you may be dismissed.
And acquire a copy of the “Jurist Handbook” and Purchase the book “Government by Consent” at > https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/books-john-darash
The “Base Salary” for a Certified Jury Administrator is $68,640 + benefits + $2,150 location pay.
The “Base Salary” for a Paralegal Jury Administrator is $69,040 + benefits + $2,150 location pay.
Jury Administrator Job in Washington State
After completing the required courses, I find no where as to being offered a job as a Jury Administrator in any of this website. Can anyone direct me in the right direction or answer the unknowns I have found. This is statrting to look as if it does not exist or is falsely misrepresenting, misleading. No email address to John Dararsh, co-founder?
Looking for State/County Rep for Texas
Hello to All. I tried to reach out to the 3 people listed for Montgomery County Texas this afternoon and not a single phone number led to a human being. So, can anyone direct me to ANYONE who has any kind of information that is current in Texas - - as it relates to forming the Courts/ and hiring of the Administrators? There seems to be a lack of information here on the site & so many postings are quite old.
Thanks, G Price
Looking for the same.
I am wanting to inquire about becoming an administrator for Tarrant or Dallas county in Texas. Any direction would be much appreciated.
i too am looking for any members in Texas i am in Denton county
please let me know of any members in Texas
Looks like there is 1175 of us now!!!
Jury Administrators
Out of 13,000 positions, how many are filled?
Jury Administrators
If you check the table at the right side of the screen, there are 1023 GJA's
Grand Jury Administrators
There are 1011 filled.
Jury Administrators
The number of Grand Jury Administrators is listed on the right side of this page and most on the website and is currently 1012.
Jury Admins- 13K
The problem arises that the people are wary of signing up without a manual/guide to follow. yes we have a course of study, but where do we turn when we stumble on the local level. Contact jim@nationallibertyalliance.org and we can talk of tasks that we can work on to that end.
Common Law Handbook For Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs & Justices
We revised the Common Law Handbook For Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs & Justices November 24, 2016 and are working on a Jury Administrators Handbook.
common law handbook need a copy for my wife is on a grand jury
Can you please provide a copy my wife is on a grand jury in Arizona and has been out for a month
Grand Jury Handbook
On the right side bar there is a place to order a common law grand jury handbook or go here for pdf.
Benton County,Washington State Local Connections
I am Brother D. Kinsey Bey, I have been out of touch but i am back on track and would like anyone from Eastern Washington to reach out to me when you can. I will still be doing my due diligence to reach out to you in Washington State at large!
Durrell, Give me a call when you can so we can make the contact we have tried to do in the past and never did.
Washington State Local Connections
Greetings Brother D,
I am Brian Ray, one of two Grant county NLA members currently focusing on raising up a Committee of Safety. I've completed the constitution and civics courses and now slogging through Jurisdictionary.
Been feeling like an island for a long time, so, welcome Brother.
Administer Course
I have completed both the constitution and civics course. When will I be able to take the administrator couse? Also I paid $40 for the two certificates over a month ago, but still have not received them. Could you check into this?
What next?
I have completed both courses, and there is no "vow.pdf"...... I Want begin to apply my abilities! I have a previous legal background so I'll just need a bit of help converting it.
The date on the vows are out of date.
I want to fill out the G.J.A. vow but the date is 2015.
I have a question
Hi, I'm Robert Gibbons. If my name is up as a potential Grand Jury Administrator here in California, how can I get it taken off? I'm in the middle of moving out of state. I'll see what I can do to help NLA once I've moved and do so from a non-leadership position.
I have a question
Rest easy Robert, your name has been removed from the Grand Jury Administrators list.
Grand Jury Administrator
i just recieved an email concerning this postition. my question about it is....Since it mentions New York as the area needed, how does that affect me in Oklahoma?
Grand Jury Administrator
These positions are needed in all 50 state, there is no restriction to NY. That is just where we are currently filing case. Jan
Coordinating with other groups regarding Grand Juries
YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO LISTEN IN ON THE NATION WIDE COMMON LAW JUDGES, GRAND JURY ADMINISTRATORS AND MARSHALL CALL IT IS OPEN TO EVERYONE WEDNESDAY NIGHT 8:15 m...ountain time Call in number 712-775-7035 access code 782102# We now have 15-20 common law courts up and running across the Continental United States of America and bringing more on all the time ! All of our calls are always open to the public..... Please join us, listen in and find out what is happening!
...The United States of America (the administrative services of the People of the united states) exists solely in District of Columbia and therefore not continental. There are the Continental united states, however.
Hi ann galloway where are these functioning Common law Grand Jur
Hello ann what is the name of this liberty group?Is there a website for all to see?what states and counties are these common law courts functioning in?
Hello Ann can you please expand on this group
Hello ann im curious to what is this liberty groups name you are referring to that has this wed night call for Grand Jury aDministrators and such wed 815 mt time?Does this group have a website we can look at?
Yeah, I got that email also
Yeah, I got that email also and it stated that you need to have completed the Civics, Constitution, and Administrators Course yet there is no Administrators Course to take... ???
The grand jury...
Takke a look at what is happening in CO. This is not good and has set the Grand Jury back...http://www.dailycamera.com/boulder-county-news/ci_30906805/peoples-grand-jury-accused-threatening-elected-officials-judges These folk are not part of NLA. I believe they are going about this in the wrong way.
Bruce Doucette is part of the
Bruce Doucette is part of the Anna Von Fraud clan. He was also involved with the Hammonds case before they went back to prison. Maybe the Northwest Patriots know more about what happened with that. Turns out politicians dont take kindly to having leins put on them without due process.
Try this link Malissa
https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/sites/default/files/Court%20Procedure%20book.pdf This might help...found under Education Tab and Judicial Sub tab. Whole bunch of good stuff here. Includes Bouvier's 1856 law book...before the British came back into our court system and usurped us. And other law books are listed there. Some serious scrolling required.LOL John is writing that Administrators Course Book. It has not been published. The emphasis in his email was for those who have taken the Civics course and want to be Administrators, need to get the Consitution Course out of the way ASAP, if they are one of the 105 who have not done so as of today. And if they have not signed up for a Leadership Position, then they need to do so, as it is also one of the Requirements for that Paid position. We need 13,000 compliant Administrators to fill all of those positions, and are just a tad bit shy of that mark.
Admin course
I think I read in here somewhere that the administrators course was coming. I will be on the conference call Monday.
Civics Course is now Completed
Hooray! I just finished the Civics Course. I can now start reading all of the NLA papers, law documents, and memorandums.
Completion of CC and Constitution class - Hooray for you!!!
Missouri is leading the nation, second only to Pennsylvania, but soon to be passing shortly in members who have these classes under their belt. So many members, who have started this class, need to finish the Constitution Class and it could be done so in a weekend...and so much is gained in doing so. Saving the nation CAN NOT be done, if we who are doing the saving haven't read and studied the law of the land. There is a lot more to it than Free Speech, being armed and refusing to speak in the jury box. At least you have that Right to do so....you have the right NOT TO SPEAK in the jury box and take the 5th. A bureaucrat; i.e. hired servant, elected official, the only Constitutional employee and employers who qualify as such,....someone who is paid from your taxes,.....in their capacity, DOES NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT, but they take it anyway and our courts let them get away with it, because WE the People are too ignorant of our Constitution to know that they don't have THAT RIGHT and so we sit in silence.....dumb and stupid and wonder why our nation is in the bad shape that it is. Fact is, according to the Militia Act of 1791, presently we have 57,000,000 Militia Age men between the ages of 17-45. [1 IN 5 PEOPLE WALKING THE STREETS]. They have TWO (2) duties to perform: To protect the Constitution and the people from enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. Our Public Fool System has educated them on neither! The First Duty (Right) requires them to be armed and trained to use that arm should duty call; should their County Sheriff need their assistance to put down an insurrection or help out in a natural dissaster. What percentage of this age group is Constitutionally aware of this duty?? The Second Duty (RIGHT) (RESPONSIBILITY) is for them to be knowledgeable in the law of the land; the Constitution. Again...what percentage of this age group is Constitutionally aware that it is their duty as an American Citizen to know what the Constitution says? Do we have any members who fall into this age group who are ignorant of their Constitutional duties as an American Citizen in the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? One weekend to learn the Supreme law of the land. Is that too much to ask?
Good Work David
Completion of CC and Constitution class - Hooray for you!!!
Ron, you are so right about people needing to finish these courses. I personally believe the Civics course would benefit anyone, even those memebers of NLA not wanting to be CLCGJ Administrators. I especially like Bill Thornton's five lectures on Common Law. Here is a quick outline of the Civics course, for those interested.
"This free course covers American History, the Constitution, Common Law, History of the Jury and the Hidden History of America. This course is about 120 hours, with 159 parts and about 600 questions. "
Education and current events is CO.
I love the civic course it is a wonderful spiritual experice to even take it. Unfortunately I have been writing legal papers with a deadline I am learning the Constitution through my research...so when I go to take the course I should be able to wiz through it easily. Did you read about the following:http://www.dailycamera.com/boulder-county-news/ci_30906805/peoples-grand...
Completion of CC and Constitution class - Hooray for you!!!
Missouri is leading the nation, second only to Pennsylvania, but soon to be passing shortly in members who have these classes under their belt. So many members, who have started this class, need to finish the Constitution Class and it could be done so in a weekend...and so much is gained in doing so. Saving the nation CAN NOT be done, if we who are doing the saving haven't read and studied the law of the land. There is a lot more to it than Free Speech, being armed and refusing to speak in the jury box. At least you have that Right to do so....you have the right NOT TO SPEAK in the jury box and take the 5th. A bureaucrat; i.e. hired servant, elected official, someone who is paid from your taxes,.....in their capacity, DOES NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT, but they take it anyway and our courts let them get away with it, because WE the People are too ignorant of our Constitution to know that they don't have THAT RIGHT and so we sit in silence.....dumb and stupid and wonder why our nation is in the bad shape that it is. Fact is, according to the Militia Act of 1791, presently we have 57,000,000 Militia Age men between the ages of 17-45. [1 IN 5 PEOPLE WALKING THE STREETS]. They have TWO (2) duties to perform: To protect the Constitution and the people from enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. Our Public Fool System has educated them on neither! The First Duty (Right) requires them to be armed and trained to use that arm should duty call; should their County Sheriff need their assistance to put down an insurrection or help out in a natural dissaster. What percentage of this age group is Constitutionally aware of this duty?? The Second Duty (RIGHT) (RESPONSIBILITY) is for them to be knowledgeable in the law of the land; the Constitution. Again...what percentage of this age group is Constitutionally aware that it is their duty as an American Citizen to know what the Constitution says? Do we have any members who fall into this age group who are ignorant of their Constitutional duties as an American Citizen in the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? One weekend to learn the Supreme law of the land. Is that too much to ask?
Good Work David
Civics Course
I finished the Civics Course, but it doesn't indicate that I completed it, nor did it show my progress as I was going through each module.
The civics course menu gives me the option to "continue the civics course", and I'm currently on VI. Introduction to Common Law - Bill Thornton. I suppose this is normal, but, I don't know.
I am concerned, because I want to fulfill all of the required courses for one of the four Common Law Jury Administrator positions in my county. I would appreacite any guidance or feedback to disocver the answer to these quesitons and concerns.
I am having trouble signing
I am having trouble signing up for the course
I am having trouble signing
What seems to be the problem?
Only the People Can Save AMERICAS Republic
Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 563 Defense of Justification
August 28, 2016
Beginning January 1, 2017--Private person's use of force in making an arrest.
563.051. 1. A private person who has been directed by a person he or she reasonably believes to be a law enforcement officer to assist such officer to effect an arrest or to prevent escape from custody may, subject to the limitations of subsection 3 of this section, use physical force when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to carry out such officer's direction unless he or she knows or believes that the arrest or prospective arrest is not or was not authorized.
2. A private person acting on his or her own account may, subject to the limitations of subsection 3 of this section, use physical force to arrest or prevent the escape of a person whom such private person reasonably believes has committed an offense, and who in fact has committed such offense, when the private person's actions are immediately necessary to arrest the offender or prevent his or her escape from custody.
3. A private person in effecting an arrest or in preventing escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only:
(1) When deadly force is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or
(2) When he or she reasonably believes deadly force is authorized under the circumstances and he or she is directed or authorized by a law enforcement officer to use deadly force; or
(3) When he or she reasonably believes such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to arrest a person who at that time and in his or her presence:
(a) Committed or attempted to commit a class A felony or murder; or
(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon.
4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
Missouri Revised Statutes_Chapter 563 Defense of Justification
I find it interesting that our fine legislators in Missouri see fit to "allow" by statute, what a Constitutional Sheriff already has the common law authority to organize in a County posse comitatus.
Wikipedia's section on Posse Comitatus states, "Posse comitatus is the common-law or statute law authority of a county sheriff, or other law officer, to conscript any able-bodied man to assist him in keeping the peace or to pursue and arrest a felon, similar to the concept of the "hue and cry." Originally found in English common law,[2] it is generally obsolete; however, it survives in the United States, where it is the law enforcement equivalent of summoning the militia for military purposes.[citation needed]"
A search of the Missouri Revised Statues of the word "Posse" yields the following result, which appears to statutorily limit a Sheriff to calling a posse, only for use in specific cities or counties.
Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 84Police Departments in St. Louis and Kansas City
August 28, 2016
Duty of sheriff to aid in maintaining public peace.
84.200. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county or city in which any of the cities to which sections 84.010 to 84.340 may apply shall be located, whenever called on for that purpose by said boards, to act under their control for the preservation of the public peace and quiet; and, if ordered by them to do so, he shall summon the posse comitatus for that purpose, and hold and employ such possesubject to their direction; whenever the exigency or circumstances may, in their judgment, warrant it, the said boards shall have the power to assume the control and command of all conservators of the peace of the county or city in which any of the cities to which sections 84.010 to 84.340 may apply, whether sheriff, constable, policemen or others, and they shall act under the orders of the said boards and not otherwise.
The same Wikipedia section refernced above also erroneusly asserts that statutes can undermine these common law authorities of constitutional law officers.
"The posse comitatus power continues to exist in those common law states that have not expressly repealed it by statute." We at National Liberty Alliance sure do have our reeducation work cut out for us, with all of this misinformation for the massees to assume is legitimate.
Re:New Missouri Citizens Arrest with use of Deadly Force
I find this legislation interesting, but, unecessary to a degree. I would think a county sheriff would already have the authority to "deputize" citizens. In addition, I was surprised to find that the concept of citizen arrests had not previously been codified into some statute in Missouri.
This site shows the current laws for all states, pertaining to citizen's arrests.http://www.solutions-institute.org/tools/citizens-arrest-laws-by-state/. Ironically, it appears most states still stipulate conditions for citizens arrest are only authorized in true common law scenarios, FELONY, THEFT, or PROPERTY DESTRUCTION.
I have finished both coarses
I have finished both coarses and am astonished to learn some of the things that I have learned but the coarse was well put together and very easy to grasp.
Congratulations David of Harris co. Texas
Kudos go out to both you and Julie of Park Co, Montana for having completed both the Constitution class and the Civics Course. Thanks for persevering. And congratulations to new member, David of Lincoln co. Missouri for completing the Constitution Class. Another class you may enjoy, if you have not taken it yet, is a study of the Constitution via youtube -Michael Badnarik’s Seven part instruction on the Constitution.
Learn to THINK free so that you may ACT Free! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V31zYjZamz4
Re:Congratulations David of Harris co. Texas
Hello Ron Flick, and thank you for the recognition of completing the U.S. Constitution course. I am now going through the Civics course, and am at least halfway through it. I may very well check out Michael Badnarik’s Seven part instruction on the Constitution, after completing this course.
I've only finished 12% of civics course, but am so delighted with what I've learned so far that I want to give a big thanks even though it's early. I'm impressed and excited about the fact that there are so many sites here for learning. THANK YOU.
Mongomery Ward v Glaysher
I watched the Carl Miller video's over and over, I expecially liked right to travel. My question is where is one to find the Court Docket information on the Glaysher case, or copies, does anyone have them? I am trying to form a system of affidavits to prevent the government from extorting you and I using bills of attainer, I have had success with affidavits using writs on the local level here.
change year to 2016 on jury admin vow
look at the notary section and find the year is still 2015
Where are all the recordings
Where are all the recordings for the writ writing. I have no phone at the moment I would like to keep up with the class. But I cannot find the recordings. All the Monday night call meetings have been relocated or have been taken down or put some place else. I would truly appreciate someone to let me know where all the recordings both for hc writ writing, as well as the Monday night calls.