Listed by the Department of Homeland Security in their February 5th 2019 EMP Resilience Report.
CLICK HERE FOR REPORT DHS EMP_Protection_Resilience_Guidelines_Unclasified.pdf
Michio Kaku Are We Sitting Ducks for Solar Flares?
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- DHS EMP Protection Guidelines Unclasified
- EMP Home Shield - Promo Code NLA
- EMP Shield Military Testing - Promo Code NLA
- EMP Shield Warranty - Promo Code NLA
- EMP Vehicle Shield - Promo Code NLA
- How EMP Shield Works - Promo Code NLA
What is an EMP Shield?
The EMP Shield is Electromagnetic Pulse, Solar Flare, and Lightning protection system designed to exceed the requirements of MIL-STD-188-125-1 for shunting over-voltage spikes.
EMP Shield™ is the World’s only tested and approved EMP protection technology for an entire electrical system.
Built to exceed military standards (MIL-STD-188-125-1), EMP Shield pulls excess electricity from the electrical system in less than 500 trillionths of a second.
EMP Shield is designed to protect an entire home from Lightning, CME (coronal mass ejection, power surges, and an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). Proven and tested at Keystone Compliance, a Federally approved Department of Defense (DOD) testing facility, Our EMP Shield was struck with over 40x EMP strikes with no impact to the device.
MIL-STD-188-125-1 requires that the over-voltage spike from the E1 spike begin shunting 5,000 Amps within 20 nanoseconds. All EMP Shield models start shunting over voltage in 500 trillionths of a second. EMP Shield also designed to continue protecting through the expected durations of the E2 and E3 spikes produced by a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse.
EMP Shield has also been tested to all other military EMP Standards. Our devices are also UL 1449 compliant and have been tested at Intertek. See below for all military certified testing.
How Does EMP Shield Work?
The EMP Shield can see and protect all the electronics and equipment connected to your electrical system.
This is accomplished by shunting (shorting) the over voltage coming in from the Grid and the voltage surges that are collected within your home.
Whether the electrons are collected within your home or are attempting to come into your electrical system from outside the home (the grid), the EMP Shield will see the surge and protect your electrical system. Since the shunting is completed incredibly fast (500 trillionths of a second), the over voltage is pulled away from the equipment before the voltage can rise high enough to damage any equipment. We call this new technology SightSpeed™ and it ensures no heat is generated within the electrical system which protects all electronics connect to the system.
What is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)?
A nuclear EMP is defined as having 3 distinct pulses of voltage/current. The E1 pulse is caused by the gamma rays released during the nuclear reaction. The Gamma rays interact with the electrons and the nucleus of the atoms that make up the atmosphere, and this interaction results in freeing electrons from their atoms. The free electrons ionize the atmosphere (ionization results in electron flow), which can be seen as the flow of electricity through anything that acts as an antenna. All of the wires that make up our nations’ electrical grid make an excellent antenna, which will produce an over-voltage condition throughout the affected area. For an optimally positioned detonation (approximately 300 miles high and over the center of the US), the entire nation will be affected by the E1 pulse. The E1 pulse starts at the time of the detonation of the weapon and continues until 1 microsecond after the detonation.
The E-2 pulse starts at 1 microsecond and continues until approximately 1 second after the detonation. The E-2 pulse is caused by the inelastic scattering (matter bouncing off other matter) of the matter from the nuclear weapon interacting with the matter that makes up the atmosphere continuing to ionize the atmosphere.
The E-3 pulse starts at approximately 1 second after the detonation and can continue for several minutes. The E-3 pulse is caused by the nuclear detonation distorting the earth’s geomagnetic structure, and then its reconfiguration. As the magnetic lines are pushed out of configuration and then come back into normal configuration, electricity is generated, and flows through the atmosphere until it contacts an antenna (wires).
The antenna that is most affected will be the nation’s power grid, but all arrays of wiring (even in your house) will act as large or small antennas and will produce the flow of electricity and over-voltage conditions.
Will the EMP Shield work on solar power systems?
Yes. We have many solar system models all specific to your systems maximum input voltages.
Is the EMP Shield hard to install?
No – We recommend you have it installed by a licensed electrician and/or used in accordance with electrical codes and regulations. However, it is very simple to install and most installations take 15 minutes or less.
Is the EMP Shield attached to my home's breaker box?
Yes, the home model attaches to your home breaker box. We have 2x models. The SP-120-240-W model mounts on the wall beside your breaker box and the SP-120-240-RL model mounts inside the breaker box with a small LED box just outside the edge of the breaker box
Can we use the EMP Shield on our boats, vehicles, or aircraft?
Yes, you can.
EMP & Lightning Protection for Home
EMP & Lightning Protection for Vehicles
Generator EMP Shielding & Lightning Protection
A Warning from History
The Carrington Event Was Not Unique
On September 1st 1859, the most FEROCIOUS SOLAR STORM in recorded history engulfed our planet. It was “the Carrington Event,” named after British scientist Richard Carrington, who witnessed the flare that started it. The storm rocked Earth’s magnetic field, sparked auroras over Cuba, the Bahamas and Hawaii, set fire to telegraph stations, and wrote itself into history books as the Biggest. “The Carrington Event was not unique,” says Hisashi Hayakawa of Japan’s Nagoya University, whose recent study of solar storms has uncovered other events of comparable intensity. “While the Carrington Event has long been considered a once‐in‐a‐century catastrophe, historical observations warn us that this may be something that occurs much more frequently.”
Modern technology is far more vulnerable to solar storms than 19th-century telegraphs. Think about GPS, the internet, and transcontinental power grids that can carry geomagnetic storm surges from coast to coast in a matter of minutes. A modern-day Carrington Event could cause widespread power outages along with disruptions to navigation, air travel, banking, and all forms of digital communication. Superstorms in February 1872 and May 1921 were also comparable to the Carrington Event, with similar magnetic amplitudes and widespread auroras. Two more storms are nipping at Carrington’s heels: The Quebec Blackout of March 13, 1989, and an unnamed storm on Sept. 25, 1909 were only a factor of 2 less intense.
On Monday, April 2, 2001, the sun unleashed the BIGGEST SOLAR FLARE EVER RECORDED, as observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite. The flare was definitely more powerful than the famous solar flare on March 6, 1989, which was related to the disruption of power grids in Canada. This recent explosion from the active region near the sun's northwest limb hurled a coronal mass ejection into space at a whopping speed of roughly 7.2 million kilometers per hour. LUCKILY, THE FLARE WAS NOT AIMED DIRECTLY TOWARDS EARTH.
What would an ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE (EMP) caused by a Solar Flare or attack do to the US? Depending on the power of the explosion or solar flare, an EMP COULD DISABLE, DAMAGE OR DESTROY: TVs, radios and other broadcast equipment, Power grid transformers and substations, telephones (land lines) and smartphones, vehicles and aircraft, computers and all internet connected devices, refrigerators, generators, and satellites potentially within the range of the EMP, essentially all electronics! On Feb 10 2022, SpaceX’s newest fleet of (40) satellites tumbled out of orbit after being struck by a solar storm. SpaceX said a geomagnetic storm last Friday made the atmosphere denser, which increased the drag on the Star-link satellites, effectively dooming them.
EMP Shield™ is a family of incredibly robust EMP, solar flare, and lightning defense technologies. They have been designed to exceed the US Military requirements for protection against a high-altitude nuclear detonation or solar flare that results in an electromagnetic pulse. This family of products has been tested at Keystone Compliance, a DOD Certified Testing Laboratory and Military Standards.
EMP Shield™ is the World’s only tested and approved EMP protection technology for an entire electrical system, built to exceed military standards (MIL-STD-188-125-1). Protect your Home, Automobile and Generator. Whether the electrons are collected within your home or are attempting to come into your electrical system from outside the home (the grid), the EMP Shield will see the surge and protect your electrical system. Since the shunting is completed incredibly fast (500 trillionths of a second), the over voltage is pulled away from the equipment before the voltage can rise high enough to damage any equipment. We call this new technology SightSpeed™ and it ensures no heat is generated within the electrical system which protects all electronics connect to the system.
In 2017 President Trump ordered a solution to protect our electrical grid from EMP Attack or solar flare, EMP Shield™ was the solution and is now protecting our electrical grid. Electric companies were to notify the people of the EMP concerns and solution but have yet to do so. If a major electro-magnetic flare were to strike tomorrow your home, automobile, generator and all your electronics could be totally destroyed.
Protect Your Home, Auto, Generator & All Your Electronics, installs in less than 15 minutes