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In order to understand the Book of Revelation we need to understand that Revelation is a prophetic book and therefore, are parables revealing the mysteries hidden in God’s Word as He reveals in, Prov 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Therefore, using the Bible as its own interpreter we need to study the parables as taught by Jesus and only then will we be able to understand the prophetic books of the Bible like Revelation. I believe that this study is proof positive that all the seals have been opened. And the contents of this study will be seen as self-evident, proven by the signature of the Holy Spirit.
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Demand that the US Supreme Court enforce its rulings
As per Jim, John's adversaries in this action violated a statute by filing an answer or other responsive paper a day late ( to keep the issue clear and non-discretionary ); to violate a statute ( just one, you don't need a whole bunch ) is to lose authority, as per U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Rodney Class v. United States, 583 U.S. ___ ( 2018 ), and, as recently as May 7, 2020, in Bridge-gate, Kelly v. U.S. , 590 U.S. ____( 2020 ).
I suggest that John go to the US Supreme court and demand that Court enforce its rulings on the Southern district of New York. The Southern district of New York is operating in criminal contempt of US Supreme Court rulings.
The Southern district of New York is in conflict with our government of laws, not with John. John is rising in defense of our government of laws. The Southern district of New York is re-creating controversy impermissively ( where the question has already been settled by the US Supreme Court, to violate a statute is to lose authority ) to create a constitutional crisis.
Mask mandates
Thank You Gerard for speaking up on Monday call , yes there are things we can do , may mean pick your fight , there's so many to choose , Peggy Hall @ the healthy American , has it going on big time . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80VB53-zsxA
Cat herders Listen up
Tracking down Truth on COVID-19 is like herding cats. Maybe this Hillsdale College panel can help. See Intro video and ROW 1, ROW 2, ROW 3 and ROW 4. Row 4 appears after you hit Row 3. WOW!!! This is like a one stop college degree in health, vaccination, truth and medicine ……Secrets revealed. http://videosanctuary.com/covid4.php#demo Please share with family and friends.
Thank you Ollie Smith and Gerard Aprea and associates. This is BEAUTIFUL ...short and concise info videos. Spread this one far and wide on all forms of Social media and in your emails to friends, relatives and those you work with. We grow when truth prevails on a wide scale.
John is the prevailing party, for the violation of statute(s)
John is the prevailing party, because his adversaries violated statute(s). A single statute is enough ( don't need a lot ). When they violated the statute, not upon the discovery of the violation of statute(s). 28 USC section 1654. John does not appeal. He won. John can proceed to collect his judgment. Judge violated statute = lost authority = violated oath = committed an act of treason. This is an issue of national security, of national importance = judge aided and abetted the destruction of our government of laws = go to William Barr. He said, publically, that he would prosecute treason.
20-09-28 Monday Night Call
Throw the mess into Chief Judge Katzman's lap
Make a complaint to Robert A. Katzman, the Chief Judge of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, about Judge Seibel, in connection with 28 USC section 352(a), 352(a)(1), and 352(b). These statutes provide for an immediate response. Blind-copy to US Attorney William Barr.
Judge = violating statute = act of war= Bill Barr
US Attorney General William Barr stated publically that he would consider prosecuting for sedition, those who violated statute, I suggest you all file a criminal complaint. One of mine is filed in the Third Circuit, against AUSA Mark Coyne. Would you like Me to post my criminal complaints, so you can take a look at them ?
criminal complaint
I for one would love to see your criminal complaints
Criminal Complaint.
Yes . Would like to see That file on the File.
US Constitution On Trial - Brent Allan Winters' Comments
NY Constitution
Is there any provisions in the state constitution for the establishment of county sheriffs?
Why is there no county sheriff in Westchester County?
Suggest due diligence of your Constitution... New York? and then take action to resolve.. https://www.dos.ny.gov/info/constitution/
Suggest due diligence of your Constitution... New York? and then take action to resolve.. https://www.dos.ny.gov/info/constitution/
HEARING 25th But Lidya
HEARING 25th But Lidya continues according to this Judge as an appeal... howsoever long that is going to take?!! Tied up in their arena. May I suggest what I replied to Jon's Hearing message...
Hello John,
Regarding your message;
Last Call Reminder - Court Hearing is by phone – Common Law Grand Jury against YouTube
Dear NLA Member
”Hearing Date - September 25, 2020 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time
Call in Number: - (877) 336-1839 Access Code: - 1047966#
Please find time to attend the hearing, we do not expect it to last more than a half hour. There will be only two speakers on behalf of the Common Law Grand Jury – Gerard and John Darash
When you enter the court via phone state one of the following:
(1) “Your full Name, for the plaintiff, Common Law Grand Jury”
(2) “Jurist with the Common Law Grand Jury” (jurist should not give their name)
(3) “First Name, Your State and that you are a Court Room Observer, here to document the hearing.
For more details go to https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/action-against-youtube-0
John Darash
When I rang in there were 84 people, Members? on the line ergo 0.0094254937163375% of published
Total Members
as before being a sensible 74 yr previous Businesswoman/International Business Broker/Commercial Realtor/Community Volunteer/Commonsenseable Critical Thinker evaluating the abysmal attendance of this important hearing, disrespectful overspeak, not realizing the Judge hung up the phone stating again NLA has nothing/nada/zippo in the/her established court, your/our NLA costly efforts/filings attempt to achieve success through all of these years I would ask Leaders to consider another path to achieve NLA's goals, howsoever.
Looking forward to an opposite solution~
Flash Foresight: See the Invisible to Do the Impossible
by Daniel Burrus and John David Mann | Jan 18, 2011
as Daniel states in this wonderful read... If it isn't working GO OPPOSITE!
In Kindness,
John won, Judge Seibel violated 2 statutes
John won, cause Judge Seibel hid the law, 28 USC section 1654, and, cause defendants defaulted ( violated statute that said they must answer within 30 days ). There is nothing to appeal. The US Supreme Court has already spoken in a number of cases: violate statute = Judge lost authority.
Hearing 25th
But Lidya continues according to this Judge as an appeal... howsoever long that is going to take?!! Tied up in their arena. May I suggest what I replied to Jon's Hearing message...
Hello John,
Regarding your message;
Last Call Reminder - Court Hearing is by phone – Common Law Grand Jury against YouTube
Dear NLA Member
”Hearing Date - September 25, 2020 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time
Call in Number: - (877) 336-1839 Access Code: - 1047966#
Please find time to attend the hearing, we do not expect it to last more than a half hour. There will be only two speakers on behalf of the Common Law Grand Jury – Gerard and John Darash
When you enter the court via phone state one of the following:
(1) “Your full Name, for the plaintiff, Common Law Grand Jury”
(2) “Jurist with the Common Law Grand Jury” (jurist should not give their name)
(3) “First Name, Your State and that you are a Court Room Observer, here to document the hearing.
For more details go to https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/action-against-youtube-0
John Darash
When I rang in there were 84 people, Members? on the line ergo 0.0094254937163375% of published
Total Members
as before being a sensible 74 yr previous Businesswoman/International Business Broker/Commercial Realtor/Community Volunteer/Commonsenseable Critical Thinker evaluating the abysmal attendance of this important hearing, disrespectful overspeak, not realizing the Judge hung up the phone stating again NLA has nothing/nada/zippo in the/her established court, your/our NLA costly efforts/filings attempt to achieve success through all of these years I would ask Leaders to consider another path to achieve NLA's goals, howsoever.
Looking forward to an opposite solution~
Flash Foresight: See the Invisible to Do the Impossible
by Daniel Burrus and John David Mann | Jan 18, 2011
as Daniel states in this wonderful read... If it isn't working GO OPPOSITE!
In Kindness,
Google Adds Suspended my Account!
The very first time I presented a video on YouTube as an advertisement, Google claimed that I violated their agreement of use, and suspended me permanently. This is the ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lNt7kaii7E ACLJ refused to help me, saying basically that it was not an action in their preview. Google never told me what section of the agreement I violated. I believe they suspended me because this was a pro President Trump video. Before the suspended my account permanently, I had racked up over eight thousand views.
We should be also suing them for harrassment! Their constant fact checking especially in groups bringing the group "Score" down is bullying and harrassment! They have removed 41 items from a group I admin for for "False News" Is Facebook a social media platform or a News Outlet? We never signed any agreement to be fact checked nor are we employed by Facebook! I have screenshots, and they also remove personal posts from my page with no explanation as to why and I don't know what it is because all it says is "Content Not Available".