Abuse of Power


Natural Law Requires that for every injury there “Must Be A RemedyIf you have been injured by the Courts“We the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury”Will Restore You!

Examples of injuries:

● Mortgage foreclosure

● Tax foreclosure

● Denial of Due Process

● Unlawful Imprisonment

● Denial of Habeas Corpus

● Denial of your right to travel

● Hijacked into Family Court

● Hijacked into Probate Court

● Denial of any Unalienable Right

We the People have been providentially entrusted via Natural Law to dispense justice and were provided legal recourse to address the criminal conduct of the Judiciary and our Representatives. The People have the unbridled right by law and in law to empanel their own Grand Juries and present True Bills of Information, Indictments and Presentments to a Court of Justice which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding under Natural Law. The will of the Common Law Grand Jury is the opening and manifestation of due process in a court of law. They are the “Sureties of the Peace” that we find in the Magna Carta and are ordained by the People through the 5th Amendment and thereby formally acknowledged as an unalienable right codified by the People themselves. Whereas, inasmuch as for the sake of the only one true God, and for the restoring of our Republic, and for the healing of the discord which has arisen between us and our servants. We the “Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury” with all our strength, to observe, maintain and cause to be observed, the peace and privileges which we have granted to our servants and confirmed by the Constitution for the United States of America. In such wise, namely, that if any one of our servants shall have transgressed against anyone in any respect, or shall have broken some one of the Articles of Peace or Security, and our transgression the People may come to us showing to us the injury and they shall ask us for remedy and we will amend the injustice.

By What Authority

We the People are the Author & Source of Law

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to our Rights, It is the Right of the People to alter government, and Institute New Servants! –Declaration of Independence

The people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their Gov, whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purposes of its institution.” -  James Madison

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.” - Samuel Adams.

The constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved…”[i]

“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts, And the law is the definition and limitation of power…”[ii] “'Sovereignty' means that the decree of sovereign makes law, and foreign courts cannot condemn influences persuading sovereign to make the decree.”[iii]

“The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative.”[iv] And “the state cannot diminish the rights of the people.”[v] “Supreme sovereignty is in the people and no authority can, on any pretense whatsoever, be exercised over the citizens of this state, but such as is or shall be derived from and granted by the people of this state.”[vi]

● We the people have been providentially provided legal recourse to address the criminal conduct of the Judiciary ourselves entrusted via Natural Law to dispense justice

● We the People ordained and established the Constitution for the United States of America.[vii]

● We the People vested Congress with statute making powers.[viii]

● We the People defined and limited Congresses power of law-making.[ix]

● We the People ordained limited law-making powers via the Constitution.[x]

● We the People did not vest the Judiciary with law-making powers.

● The Rules of Common Law rule the court the FRCP do not.

● We the People in ALL Courts of Law are Free and Independent Jurist independent from the Judiciary.[xi]

Therefore, by the powers vested in “We the People” by God, the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury, on behalf of, and the authority of, all the People commanded via Writ Quo Warranto, filed and served on May 13, 2015, upon all elected and appointed servants to state by what authority that they act or resign their positions. None Responded!!! Therefore, they forfeited their offices. This was an “Extraordinary Action at Law” by “We the People” under Natural Law for an “Extraordinary Remedy” via Writ Quo Warranto. To be followed up by “Writ Mandamus” with military enforcement when devolution plays out. Thereby, exercising our unalienable right, codified in our Founding Documents, to remove our unfaithful traitorous servants and Institute New Servants and reinstate the “Law of the Land.”

National Liberty Alliance was founded in 2012 and by 2014 NLA organized the “Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury.” The UUSCLGJ is comprised of fifty Grand Jurys each unified amongst the counties within their respective States. All fifty States have unified nationally as an assembly of 1000’s of People in the name of “We the People” to suppress through our Courts of Justice subverts acting under color of law within our governments.

The source of our authority and power originates from the “Governor of the Universe” when We the People covenanted with God via the Declaration of Independence; Wherein we were blessed with certain unalienable rights one of which was, “Vested with the Right of Government by Consent.” We the People then established and ordained the Constitution for the United States of America. Therefore, by the powers vested in “We the People” by God we established the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury, on behalf of all the People to save our Republic.

On May 13th 2015 the UUSCLGJ filed in the Northern District of New York a Writ Quo Warranto (concealed) and served upon all federal and state elected and appointed servants demanding that they state by what authority they act or resign their positions. None responded and therefore, they forfeited their offices. Upon which the military took notice and leveraged it upon our servants. We were informed by SG Anon that this Writ Quo Warranto was used by the military to serve notice upon our servants. This was an “Extraordinary Action at Law” by “We the People” under Natural Law for an “Extraordinary Remedy.” Since then, we have filed hundreds of cases and indictment that also went unanswered. This formally set the stage to bring back our courts of Justice and resurrect our Republic. And, as soon as the military acts, we will file our final papers, with attachments that will demand restitution for all the evil they have poured out upon us for decades. Many will be arrested and tried and many hung by “Military Tribunals!” Upon the removal of these despots, we will immediately open the doors of justice, that have been closed for so long! For those who survive the military scrutiny, their disposition will be considered by the People before the Law.

Writ Quo Warranto, Restoration of our Republic,

File An Affidavit

             Download Affidavit Form.docx

E-mail your Affidavit to Intake@GovbyConsent.org - MUST BE A PDF FILE

We cannot answer calls or e-mails but if you have any questions, concerns or problems we are available every Monday from 9 to 11PM Eastern to answer any questions or address any concerns. To join the call by phone, app, or browser go to www.NationAllibertyAlliance.org/mondaycall For details to join us.

[i] Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright; June 5, 1824.

[ii] Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.

[iii] Moscow Fire Ins. Co. of Moscow, Russia v. Bank of New York & Trust Co., 294 N.Y.S. 648, 662, 161 Misc. 903.;

[iv] Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am. Dec. 89 10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. 167; 48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7.

[v] Hurtado v. People of the State of California, 110 U.S. 516.

[vi] NEW YORK CODE - N.Y. CVR. LAW § 2: NY Code - Section 2.

[vii] We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Preamble.

[viii] Article I Section 1: ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

[ix] Article I Section 8; To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

[x] “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts And the law is the definition and limitation of power…” [Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit]

[xi] Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App. 220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J.  See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689.; “judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it, and proceeding according to the course of common law.


Jesseg's picture

Get speaker, knows much about this- guy basically exposed "common law", years ago to the U.S. public. Dial up You tube, and see to search box his name, Karl lentz- immediate restoration of property (kids).

gringagirl's picture

NEVER submit your Notices about the Absence of Subject Matter Jurisdiction to the fake, de facto "court". They will never, never, ever recognize your truth. What you must do is give Notice to each of the individuals involved. By certified mail or personal service. Anyone  wanting to see what I do to challenge their jurisdiction, including a "template" (But PLEASE make sure you understand ANYthing you send out), contact me at kshine@wljaradio.net

roswell47's picture

Give individual notice of what? Spell it out if you are here to help.  State your facts.  Notice of liability like the smart meters and they will fear damages and dismiss action. People are not fish , 

wronnie553@gmail.com's picture

I would love to read your answer from the DA concerning the challenge of jurisdiction. 

J.A.Montgomery's picture

Hello. I'm new to the site.I just lost my case against my lender WELLS FARGO for "failure to state a claim" which is amazing because I had a forensic audit done on my mortgage which clearly demonstrates these bankers have committed fraud. I guess that evidence isn't enough to constitute a "claim." BTW, I used fraudstoppers.org to support my pro se litigation on this one; they did my paperwork for filing. They seemed good and reasonable in terms of rates for doing the work but even that wasn't good enough. So, I'm investigating Plan B.
I'm looking for real information on how to discover the CUSIP information connected to the birth certificate. All the government whores will claim the BC isn't a bond but that is a lie. The BC bond is what creates new money. Those who say FRNs have "no value" are wrong. They're backed up by every man, woman, and child's lifetime expenditure of commercial energy. When humans work for a living their whole lives, there is DEFINITELY a commercial value for that energy over the course of a lifetime. THAT is what "backs up" the currency.
If anyone here knows how to enter the BC serial number/SSN info correctly into a site like Fidelity.com in order to discover the CUSIP and ticker symbol for the bonds that exist when the BC was monetized, I'd like to know how to do that. Thank you in advance.

Jen_Eva's picture

Hello,  So sorry about your banking troubles. I just wanted to respond to let you know, I've been through all of this, it is true. there's a number typed in red, (not always red) on the back of your birth certificate , Usually in the top corner that's the number you put on fidelity.com
*FYI There’s a number on your Social Security card as well , that is another account in our ”corporation”! I believe they’re two separate accounts but they both work @fidelity.com!

dmf51@hotmail.com's picture

it is on the back of social security card and on birth certificate, from what i know...

Tracey-Florida's picture

Here us the link to the us treasury direct site https://www.treasurydirect.gov/BC/SBCPrice  When looking up the serial number on your birth certificate, you have to play around with the series. I've looked up my families and some were EE, one was I and the rest were E's. Also, look up death certificates! There are usually 2 bond numbers on them! 

Ray's picture

I have no idea if this is true or not, but I have heard that you can contact a "broker" and have him find it!

Lee J Draper's picture

Remarkably well framed argument. they dont make lawyers like that anymore. Thank you for sharing.

Jesseg's picture

Look this guy up, he s interesting when he speaks, of knowledge with common law, side of court- name- Karl Lentz he s on you tube.

Jesseg's picture

Look this guy up, he s interesting when he speaks, captivating by the way of knowledge with common law, of sorts...

@rutharcle's picture

Among all the nations in the world fast plunging into the abyss of chaos, though, the United States remains the one in the greatest danger—a danger so grave, top Trump administration official Stephen Miller has just warned that his nation’s Deep State permanent bureaucracy has now become “A Mortal Threat To America”—a mortal threat being caused by these elite socialist Deep State forces conducting secret communist-style proceedings to throw from power their country’s elected leader President Donald Trump—an affront to freedom, fairness and decency so grave and severe, it saw nearly 30 lawmakers from the Republican Party storming the basement room in the US Capitol building where this secret trial of Trump is being conducted—lawmakers who represent over half of the American people—one of whom is a highly educated Major League Baseball umpire named Rob Drake, who has spent his career making just and fair decisions—but in his showing where his nation is fast heading, Tweeted out the ominous words yesterday: “I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVIL WAR!!!”.  

L Joe Silva's picture

is Trump our ally or Part of the problem I once text him asking what he thought about the NLA The message I got in response was stfu  shut the fuck up and it kind of pissed me off so I text back wtf is you problem and again I got back stfu So I text back stfu and I never got any other message other than him wanting money ever again  I get at least ten emails and texts from him and or his people asking for me to participate in a poll and asking for money every day if this impeachment is a sham a hoax like he claims why are they still going on how does the Democratic party have the ability to keep moving forward with any compelling evidence against him cause someone tell me that 

L Joe Silva's picture

is Trump our ally or Part of the problem I once text him asking what he thought about the NLA The message I got in response was stfu  shut the fuck up and it kind of pissed me off so I text back wtf is you problem and again I got back stfu So I text back stfu and I never got any other message other than him wanting money ever again  I get at least ten emails and texts from him and or his people asking for me to participate in a polls and asking for money every day.So if this impeachment is a sham a hoax like he claims why are they not squashEd yet. how does the Democratic party have the ability to keep moving forward with any compelling evidence against him? Can someone tell me that 

Jen_Eva's picture

Finally, a question I have  been asking for months now.            It seems to me, everyones just walkong around in a constant sleeping state ...no one ever brings up this issue.How is it that this continuing.... day after day, with taxpayers money! This is  a sad day in American history.If the president controls the country why does he not have say over judicial affairs??

Tracey-Florida's picture

Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP
Does the United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform have the constitutional and statutory authority to issue a subpoena for the President's financial records?
December 13, 2019
(March 31, 2020)

Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG
Does the Committee on Financial Services and the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives have the constitutional and statutory authority to issue a subpoena to creditors for President Donald Trump and several of his business entities demanding private financial records belonging to the president.
December 13, 2019
(March 31, 2020)

Trump v. Vance
Does a grand-jury subpoena by a state District Attorney for the President's financial records violate Article II and the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution?
December 13, 2019
(March 31, 2020)

Ron Flick's picture

This blog would have better discussions if the people that posted here had at least finished our simple 12 hour Constitution Course. There is a lot of meat in that little course. Read in conjuction with the NLA Common Law handbook and you have laid in a nice foundation.   You would be surprised how many are too lazy or too busy to finish that course. It is really quite amazing. People join NLA for information on the law and a simple little course is too much for them.. Twelve hours to know and learn the law of the land..... a law that will surround them and all that they will ever do for all of the rest of their lives and they don't want to know what it says? That is a sad commentary for the American school system, which unfortunately has a bad track record  for destroying the curiosity of a child.  

Joe, do you know that we have had roughly 14 % of our 8000 plus membership actually made the effort to CLICK ON the Constitution course, difficult as that must have been. But of that 1100 only 247 completed the course; sadly most never got beyond clicking on the course.  At least you made it pass the first 17 pages.   Only ten chapters to go.  You have been a member 22 months Joe.  You must be a busy guy. I read your profile.  

I was encouraged to read that you are now finally involved and was happy to see all of your progress in the Government by Consent course. Good for you. Less than a month ago, there were only half a dozen of the 800 plus members in California that were as far along as you are now.   Your next chapter is all about the Constitution and goes into a lot more detail than the earlier course you attempted but never finished. Keep up the good work Joe.   And try to attend our weekly Monday Night Call.  If your schedule doesn’t permit you to be there for the 6 to 9 PM West Coast time, you should know that all of the calls are recorded and transcribed. Just scroll down the page.    Consider becoming a Committeeman for your voting district.                

roswell47's picture

Only a fool would believe Q anon , x22  ,  the dismantling of America continues.  Today on the internet-official measuring will no longer be " in feet , inches,"  - hows your metric system education? Trump isn' t going to prosecute the multitudes of federal judges for corruption and treason.  Been plenty of discussion on NLA meetings that we can' t find a Constitutional judge or court anywhere.  Trumps sister was twice a federal judge for 19 years.  Do u think he is going to indict his sister who by the way bears a striking resemblance to Queen beatrice in the netherlands.  And he has owned a beach home/palace on St Thomas island for years owned by those Belgian monarchs.  Thomas Paine wrote the most popular book of the times of 1750- "COMMON SENSE".  Americans aren't dumb- they are just afraid to take a new path, say no to the treason and tyranny.  Playing along with trump is consenting to the plan in progress to make the United States impotent.  Little by little day by day, now 1000 plus days into trumps so called draining of swamps, prosecutions of hillarys and epsteins.  And after another holiday and new year the band will play trumps tune in 2020- that he must be reelected if you want results America!  

rosanbala's picture

thanks  just what you say the dismantling continues...thanks. ..trying to get through the abuses in the courts and establishment ...years now...the comments on this and other sites help...

Mary Carmel's picture

You are spot on !!! New path= solutions! We cannot fight them if most of America also ignorant to historical truth , and the populace refuses to identify their real enemies within /without. 

Ron Flick's picture

Communist are anti Christ, anti Constitution, anti-guns, anti Bill of Rights..... anti Republic. Unalienable Rights cannot be recognized by the ungodly.  They have no intellectual honesty. They cannot accept truth before them.  Trump is just a part of their anti agenda. They tear down and destroy because it is easier than building and creating.  They are the antithesis to Trump, the Capitalist -  so they hate him. He isn't part of their club.  He is a little different and Likeable.  He says what he is going to do and does it. He is not a politician.

Communist see no value in anything NLA is doing.  If they join our ranks by mistake they quickly go out the other door.  It goes against everything they believe in.  Thomas Paine had the perfect reply to those who hate everything sane, right, wholesome, godly and pure. “To argue with a man who has renounced all reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

By the way Richard of Oz Co., Paine published Common Sense on January 10, 1776; a pamphlet not a book

roswell47's picture

Britain leavin the european union -brexit- is all a sham - to lead the foolish to watch the United Kingdom aka britain put on a song and dance that it wants no part of the european union to cover the fact it was instrumental in creating the EU .  NO BETTER WAY than escape into its next disguise as it continues its plan to dismantle the United States.  Hey stupid United Kingdom stands for all the European Union monarchies-the stockholders of the federal reserve bank.  Grow up or perish those so easily swayed and programmed .

George Pringle IV's picture

Britian has been our true government for nearly centuries. People better wake up. BAR (British Accredited Regency) Members have found strong lodgement in our government, which makes our government de facto. One cant hold a title of nobility and swear to uphold our constitution. With or without the original 13th amendment, such a thing could never be constitutional We are in a Socialist State. Any doubters need look no further than Social Media.

@rutharcle's picture

If this is the socialist world of lies and deceit you wish to live and raise your children in, then by all means quit reading my words now and go back to the fantasy make believe world your leftist overlords have created for you to feel safe and secure in while they enslave you!

roswell47's picture

Are you shocked , surprised in an awake and aware realization?  Every attorney you ever met, dealt with, confided with, trusted, paid $$ to - is none other than "your lifelong enemy and Traitorous enemy of America and the Free World.  They drive mercedes, corvettes, linkolns and cadillacs live in oppulent houses living  carefree and handsomely bribed lifestyles as paid for agents of the new world order aka European monarchies ..now research the "hidden 13th amendment "- open your eyes and thoughts to LIFE, LIBERTY , PURSUITS OF HAPPINESS.  from this day forward promise to your creator that you will exercise all natural rights-the rights of nature where you are the beautiful free bird who can fly wherever you choose .  That "no man" can charge you a fee, issue you a permit , give you permission to breathe air , eat food , drink water and as the result through splendid actions of biological nature begin to move yourself from place to place , to walk and talk yourself to the discovery of "LIBERTY" and no king or queen or politician has authority to control "WE THE  PEOPLE" .

gringagirl's picture

I was an attorney from 1977 through this year when I finally resigned in disgust. I only ever drove used vehicles and they weren´t luxury types, believe me. I was a single mom most of the time, practicing out of my house. I had originally sworn an oath, back in 1977 to uphold the Ohio and federal Constitutions, whch I tried to do. When I was ignored and demonized by the organized BAR, particularly the fake corporate "judges", I knew something bad was wrong but their lies made it very difficult to figure out. I thought it was just local corruption at first. Here´s a copy of my resignation letter, which may clarify some things I only discovered this year:
July 4, 2019

Maureen O´Connor, Chief Justice

65 S Front St Columbus, Ohio [43215]  

This letter is for the purpose of publicly announcing that I am resigning as an attorney licensed to “practice law” in the State of Ohio. No one is pressuring me to make this decision. I have no reason to believe there are any attorney disciplinary proceedings pending or being initiated against me. My decision is based solely on my own conscience and sense of ethics. I understand it to be irrevocable.
As a follower of the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, I find I can no longer associate myself with those who have abandoned the pursuit of earthly justice in favor of money and power. In particular, I can no longer rationalize the legal system´s increasing disregard of basic Constitutional principles, such as the rights of Us the People to not have our lives, liberties, or properties taken from us without due process of law, the right to bear arms without government approval, the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, and the multiple rights enshrined in the now increasingly ignored First Amendment. I took an oath to become an “officer of the court” and to support the Constitution, not corporate interests, during a mass swearing-in ceremony in Columbus in the spring of 1977. I can no longer tolerate seeing that Constitution besmirched by “courts” at every level. In particular, I can no longer stomach the prospect of ever again working in a system that disregards plain meaning of both its own corporate statutes it calls “law” as well as the principles of higher jurisdictions of Common Law, the Constitution, and holy scripture. I cannot be part of a system that exempts corrupt judges from liability for crimes they commit against their fellow men, women and children under color of law [Stump v. Sparkman, 435 U.S. 349 (1978)],  a system that condones pedophilia [State v. Mole, 2016-Ohio-5124; In re CP, 131 Ohio St.3d 513 (2012)], a system that denies recovery of compensation for those whose lives are shattered by the well-connected and the corporations [Arbino v. Johnson & Johnson, 2007-Ohio-6948], a system that destroys attorneys such as Richard Fine who legitimately criticize “judges” [http://edition.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/05/24/jailed.lawyer.richard.fine/index... system, in short, that is very much bifurcated into one kind of justice for the wealthy and another, very different one, for the rest of us.
The last straw for me occurred a few months ago when I finally began to learn about the giant hoax that has been perpetrated against the American people, a process that continues to be expedited by attorneys and judges. My previous belief that the judiciary was a branch of our Constitutionally mandated republic was destroyed when I read former attorney Melvin Stamper´s book, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree and confirmed the truth of everything he disclosed and for which I could find documentation. What I now know, and which is still concealed from most of the American people, is that our “courts” are private, for-profit corporations that trade in on the churning of controversy for profit via systems such as CRIS (Court Registry Investment System). The most nauseating features of this type of corporate profiteering are not just the multiple frauds that support it, but the fact that it preys on the old, the young, and the disenfranchised of all races and genders. And it does so for dollars or should I say, for Federal Reserve Notes.
                                                                                                                                                     Finally, I require that my name be stricken from the rolls of the Ohio Supreme Court due to my recent discovery that any retention by me of “any title of nobility or honour [sic]”, such as attorney at law, esquire, or any version thereof, may be prohibited by the original Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which Amendment was apparently ratified in Ohio on January 31, 1811.
Katherine Hine
189 East Water Street REAR
Chillicothe, Ohio [45601]
without prejudice UCC 1-308

roswell47's picture

In conversation of 113 minutes i advised this attorney that she   was stripped of her citizenship via the hidden 13th amendment.  She replied she didnt care saying " i am a soverign citizen."  Long ago in a leadership meeting i was asked by Mr Durass what special skills i could lend to NLA .  MY REPLY: that i could provide and assist in Intelligence- to with I was met with silence.  Begging the question for 2 plus years- "was silence fraud ! , or was silence intelligence ?  I don't take it with "a grain of salt" -as i witness day to day events - i take it all with "humor" as the outcome is always known .

LibertyAlive's picture

Wow! Good for you! Maybe you can help me in my situation.

Ray's picture

Amen! I'm glad to see there are some out there with a consious!

@rutharcle's picture

Once The Paperwork has been started, that can give you extra 30-60 days' time (with the usual delays) 

@rutharcle's picture


Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty. They will only exchange tyrants and tyrannies.

- John Adams

Ron Flick's picture

This site posting was shared by a new Atlanta member to us. You should know what you are up against. This will drive you crazy what these deep state operatives are doing....this is part of the 2/3 up for removal no doubt from the swamp letting this crap slide because they are making money on everyone's sorrow.


Pookie's picture

It's not nice what they are doing. They are using unconsitutional money they can print at will to scheme everyone out of all of their property. It reminds me of the game Monopoly. Once you have all of the money it is up to you to make and break the other players. I am reading this book https://giftoftruth.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/redemption-manual-4-5-edition.pdf This thing spells it all out. It has been a great read so far. 

roswell47's picture

Exactly-you are getting the picture of it and trump has let it continue for 3 more years and key people in NLA advise everyone to continue believing in trump when all facts indicate he is a monopolist. The nonsense of give the pres one more week, one more month , one more 4 year election!  There is no guarantee of next week month or election and the time is "NOW" or never.  Wake up sheep!  You're being herded into the slaughterhouse.  

Werner's picture

You dont know what Trump is up against. He has no friend in this evil organizations. Currently Putin ordered Rothschild to clean up the mess the Dollar is. Rothschild wants war with Russia to destroy it. For that he needs Trump to declare war. Trump isnt doing it. Thats why we have impeachment proceedings, to get rid of Trump and get warmonger Pence in place. You dont know under what pressure is right now and under which pressure he has been all the last 3 years. Everybody blocks his proceedings and is against his ideas.
he destroyed already political correctness.
Trump wasnt planned by the globalists. he won, because wethepeople are fed up with what is going on. He was and is the only one in politics who attacks the Hydra, the Beast. Nobody before him mentioned even the deep state. Now the low-level agents of this octopus is coming out. WeThePeople destroyed Gillette because of their denigrating ad about white men, WeThePeople destroyed football as the blacks tried to put more guilt into people with their weird actions. WeThePeople are waking up and the rumbling is already loud and undeniable.
Who do you want as PResident? Warren? Biden? Hillary?
Trump isnt perfect, but he is powerful enough to make small steps in the right direction. In his next term he can go much further because of what he prepared in his first term and the awakening of WeThePeople is growing rapidly.
If you want massacres among Americans you vote Hillary, Warren or Biden. If you want to have a chance of a peaceful transition into an America as envisioned by the framers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights you have to go with Trump.  Trump is laying the base for that transition. That is all he can do, but once done we can build on it. Trump is the only one who is on our side in Washington. Just apreciate that.

roswell47's picture

Werner what you just laid out is what trumps press secretary would tell us.  Thinking and such rhetoric like yours is how Americans accepted the unpeaceful transition ito new world order tyranny.  The international playboy has done nothing in 1000 plus days but maintain lipservice as the swamp deepens and fools find out they are the frogs in the water about to boil.  

roswell47's picture

Exactly and why the criminals wasted no time killing the Kennedy brothers who with JFK executive order 10004 (June 1963 -5 months before his murder) WERE ENDING THE UNLIMITED PRINTING SUPPLY OF MONEY , unbacked by gold or silver, which 56 years later that unaudited clandestine secret printing of $$$ has bought up all the resources in America and the World that were "We the Peoples ".  

ExposingCorruption's picture

I was being held in the Gwinnett County Jail WITHOUT BAIL OR A LAWYER when that article was published.
Here is some more of my story.  I WAS FORCED to PLEAD GUILTY with TEARS STREAMING down my face in an "empty courtroom" to "DAMAGING MY HOME" that THEY stole through FRAUD and CORRUPTION.  I paid to remove our belongings, clean the gutters, repair leak near chimney that I had repaired twice before. They were allowed to RECORD another Fraudulent Deed that did not meet the legal requirements to be allowed to be recorded.  They allowed "SOMEONE" to file fraudulent docs with the courts.  They did NOT sell our home at a PUBLIC AUCTION as required by law.  THE CRIMINALS worked with the DA/SHERRIFF/CLERK of COURTs to coverup these crimes and abuses so they could continue to make families HOMELESS ILLIGALLY!  The "Law FIRM" LLC is NOT operating as REQUIRED by state law to be a PC (Professional Corp).  
ALL EVIDENCE of my allegations are in writing and in Government Systems.
I have reported the LARGEST FRAUD now RICO case in American History.
I-Team: EXCLUSIVE: Federal Grand Jury Probes Gwinnett Sheriff's Department:   https://youtu.be/wnRCsrRLktY
I-Team: Another 75 Inmates Sue Gwinnett Sheriff Over 'Gratuitous Pain':            https://youtu.be/-TmbQVJ396w
Some backround information:  Here is my foreclosure paperwork covered by a GREAT PATRIOT YouTuber!
60 Minutes Mortgage Fraud - Reverse Bank Robbery:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKwB1BaFu9Q&t=2s
Why have no Banksters/Esquires/Politicians been held ACCOUNTABLE?  BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO TAKE A REPORT AND INVESTIGATE!
Here is another homeowner that the EXACT SAME BANK, SAME DA, SAME CLERK OF COURTS/Sherrif charged with 1 COUNT = 12 counts and wanted them to spend 170 YEARS in PRISON, what "STRAW MEN"/BANKSTERS DO ON AN EPIDEMIC SCALE!

@rutharcle's picture

YouTube blocked my Watch Later or, I would have Watched Earlier! EEON: nonjudicial foreclosure in CA Supreme Court 

@rutharcle's picture

There is a common law principle which states that for there to be a crime there must first be a victim, corpus delecti. In the absence of a victim there can be no crime. The State cannot be the victim. @9:35
