More Connections to Other Patriot Groups

NLA is, as its name implies, an "ALLIANCE", National Liberty ALLIANCE.  Working as an ALLIANCE, we would like to make you aware of other organizations working in areas similar to NLA. 

Posting these links here is not an endorsement of any of these organizations, and should not be considered such.  We are posting these links in the hope that our status as an ALLIANCE will be a place of sharing and understanding. 

As Patriots involved in the fight to regain control of our government using the reins of our Constitution under common law we need to express unity with others.  This site, National Liberty Alliance, has always been a RESOURCE for all NLA members and others desiring information.  If having these links helps others to educate more of our fellow Americans, then NLA is partially fulfilling our mission.

As you explore these other groups, our hope is that you will be armed with the proper common law knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish our common goals.  If we have left off any group that YOU might consider essential, please let us know at

Thank You for your interest, exploration, and determination to bring our government back in line with common law.


Common Law Academy

Our Country Our Choice

Republic FOR the United States of America

Tactical Civics