Purpose and Goal
The purpose of the ILA (International Liberty Alliance) Commitee for NLA (National Liberty Alliance) is to build a pathway for People living within the United States who speak a wide variety of languages by educating and empowering them; and, assisting them with court cases. And, to build such a pathway for People living outside of the United States from a wide variety of English and other-language-speaking countries by empowering them to restore justice in their own countries. We intend to start the process by bring these people into the NLA so they can study and work together with the NLA in order to respond to issues impacting their communities within the United States and within their native countries. Please CLICK HERE to listen to our first meeting held on Sunday, October 4, 2015 concerning our first national discussion of the same.
Objective #1: Translation of NLA Educational Content
The IC for NLA will create a page on the NLA Website where Members who are bilingual in English and their mother-tongue, working alongside Members who cannot speak English, learn the mission and methodology of the NLA; provide access to the Civics Course and other educational processes of the NLA; and, stay abreast of NLA activities through a combination of translated material and bilingual study groups. We will make it possible for them to submit cases for the HC-Answer to the abusive courts by translating the Intake Forms into their language so they can insert the information needed; translating their Affidavits into English; and, answering questions they may have about the HC documents and court processes.
Objective #2: Identify Bilingual County Coordinators throughout the US
Bilingual Coordinators will answer questions and help NLA members unable to speak English to navigate through NLA processes and services in the United States while promoting the NLA among grass-root organizations in the United Sates that focus on issues affecting ethnic groups in their communities, introducing the services of the NLA to these agencies. We will focus our efforts on those groups that are fighting corruption in the courts; unlawful imprisonment and police brutality of minorities; and, advocating for families affected by Family Courts.
Object #3: Establish an NLA Force and CLGJs in Other Countries
Bilingual Coordinators will accept and reach out to people in other countries in order to help them establish a Unified United Common Law Grand Jury of members in their native countries. We will begin by bringing people from other countries into the NLA in order for them to learn how the NLA is organized; how we address issues and tasks; and, what they will need to research and initiate in order to establish an Alliance such as the NLA with its UUS CLGJ in each of their own countries in their endeavors to bring justice to the issues affecting their countries. Part of this process will be helping them identify the counter-parts to the US Counties, the US Constitutional provisions for a Republican form of government, the US Bill of Rights, the US County Sheriff and US Marshal as Chief Law Enforcement Officers and the US Court System; coupled with the approach of the NLA with its UUS CLGJ in educating We the People and our elected and appointed public servants in order to bring the Justice of the King of the Court back into the Courts.
Objective #4: Weekly Meetings
The main objective of the weekly meetings will be to build an alliance of People speaking a variety of languages who share the tasks involved in: (1) extending the mission of the National Liberty Alliance with its Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury to People within the United States who speak languages other than English; and, (2) forming Sister Alliances in other countries around the world.
We are working on preparing membership for the following Countries: WILL POST LIST SHORTLY