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Monday Night Recordings

Monday Night Transcriptions

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Beaver Reaper's picture

We need to quit letting strangers/govt.minions raise our children. The enemy is raping the minds of our youth. Spend more time with the future leaders to make sure they understand they are kings not slaves. Don't let those bastards get your children's mind.

Charlie_Smith_2's picture

"Spend more time with the future {leaders} [representatives] to make sure they understand they are [NOT] kings {not} [BUT] slaves."   ?

Richard B. Martin Jr. Esq.'s picture

Hear! Hear!

@rutharcle's picture

A Georgia appeals judge was found shot dead on Saturday in a wooded area behind his Albany home, however officials do not believe it was a homicide, 

Lee J Draper's picture

Do you suppose that means he got shot by another judge? Or, perhaps one of the Clintons henchmen? 
Thanks for sharing.

@rutharcle's picture

Talked about all the B.ritish R.oyalty involved eating children, investigation 

Richard B. Martin Jr. Esq.'s picture

Google Voice will not allow me to connect to (605) 475-3250.

Lee J Draper's picture

I just wanted to comment on filing a Removal, from State Court to District Court.
In my two personal experiences, assisting Pro Se litigants with this type of filing; pursuant to, 28 U.S.C. § 1441 et seq, the State Court must cease further hearing of the matter; however, it is at the discretion of the the District Court to assume jurisdiction.
In both matters, as meritorious as they were, the Court of Record, sandbagged the request for a number of months, then declined. Stating that the parties must exhaust all available State remedies prior to bringing their cause to Federal Court. (e.g. Appellate/State Supreme)
It is reasonable to conclude that Superior Court Judge/Magistrate, confers with the Inferior Court Magistrate/JustIce in a determination as to whether to move the matter. Giving weight to the lower Court's opinion on whether the case is ripe for a Removal.
It's important to remember that they are both attorneys in the club, and they serve the club first, then the State, and if there is anything left that won't conflict with the two, that is what the litigant gets. Delay, confuse, back to square one.
*DISCLAIMER: I am a lawyer, with a Law Degree, assisting the self-represented, in navigation around the Court's myriad of pitfalls. Furthermore, I have no intention of ever joining the attorneys in the "club" (ABA). The preceding post is based on personal experiences, and in no way constitutes legal advise.  

roswell47's picture

Mr Drapers explanation and conclusion is accurate. The fed judge has lunch with the lower court judge over unobserved Saturday and protects only the courts status quo while throwing due process and the people into the lions den. Exactly what occurred to I - two years ago in the not so great corporate state of new mexico. The traitor judges , sheep herded by their masters , as con men in black robes , seem blind to realize their game is now obvious to the many honest and forthright People taking footholds , standing their ground on solid rock. People of the Creator here to do Gods' work. Thy Kingdom Come , Thy Will be Done ! "On Earth , in this time .Those who do not study history - Will repeat it ! Judges who allowed themselves to be bought and sold have comitted the ultimate Constitutional Crime - TREASON !

Lee J Draper's picture

with all due respect,I just want to reach out and clarify any confusion that may have come about from a minor debate that took place between a couple of the NLA Founders.
As far as the National Guard's role and definition versus the People's Militia's... The National Guard is not the Militia. The National Guard is a reserve auxiliary force, for the United States military. 
I have heard Scholars; before, attempt bury one on top of the other, or morph the two together; however, I need to make it perfectly clear that the People's Militia belongs to the citizenry.
The extent of government control is no more than requesting our assistance in the name of Liberty, Freedom, and Constitutional defense, and in no other way belongs to or is controlled by the government.
We have our own chain of command and pecking order. We have our own hospitals, we have our own munitions magazines, we conduct our own basic training and recruitment.
Some consist of small bands of warriors/gorillaz/ mercenaries, some are great forces, with memberships in the tens of thousands. The Knights of Columbus are considered to be the strong right arm of the church. That Force is over 2 million strong.
Indeed the Sheriff and the President may call on the People's Militia, however if they take the side of the Rogue government that requires replacement, We stand across the battlefield in opposition.
We are the armed citizens or We the People, fully justified in our assembly and ratified by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.. and this is exactly why they cannot and will not take our guns nor will we lay our guns down. and we will not fire the first shot
I pity the UN forces should they take one adverse step upon this land.
As a closing word of advice, citizens still have the right to sell guns to citizens, no background check is required. Don't register your guns with the government. there is no requirement to do so.

Ron Flick's picture

All good stuff Lee. Thanks for the posting. I see where you are the fourth CLGJ in Maricopa County needed for the Required 4, and just about done with that Civics Course. Good job. Keep up the good work.  And now that you are in to the Government by Consent, you are realizing that it is the Common Sense of Thomas Paine's day brought forward for a nation hungry for such knowledge. Getting past that INTRODUCTION is the big hurdle.

The target for this endeavor is the militia for the several states as Brent Winters discussed all during the 52 weeks of 2016 and again this past Monday Night. They are spelled out in the four militia clauses of our Constitution. No other group capable of networking quickly can bring our educational Process involving the Political and Judicial Processes we discuss together more rapidly than the estimated 57,000,000 constitutionally eligible males between 17-45.  They lack just one thing:  Government by Consent; a proper education on American History and its Heritage in Common Law. We made a video for our Foundational Study discussing this group of First Responders. It is called: "A Plan to Restore the Republic ....One Committee of Safety at a time. If you have not taken our six part Foundational Study, go here Brent Winters and his 2016 lecture series was the inspiration for making this video and then creating the Foundational Study to orientate our new members coming into NLA.

Government by Consent is America's BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, ideologically speaking.  It will pave the way once word gets out of its power...critical mass will not be far behind. The ranks for elected Committeeman will fill up quickly in every berg and hamlet in the nation once the law is understood.  2020 will be the year of EXCELLENT VISION.... the NOT SEES will fade into the woodwork or be lost in the shuffle.  The Political correct generation and all of their newsspeak garbage will dissappear once the People understand their Rights and where they come from. 

We are all on beautiful journey to a better way of life.  In 2020 we should be getting a much better glimpse of it all. Hang on and full speed ahead. The rest of the world will be catching up with what you already know shortly.  It is time to stand and take America back.  Welcome to NLA Lee Draper. Happy New Year. It will be a dandy.

Lee J Draper's picture

thank you for your inspiring message and insight. I will be looking into the 6 part series post haste.
I truly look forward to sharing my newly discovered view with as many as will listen. Educated is the stone, the practice of what is learned is the mortor for the stone.
Be well.

Ron Flick's picture

I forgot to tell you that the Six Part Foundational Study is located below the Members tab and to the right [flyout] of the Welcome to NLA title. Most militia understand their FIRST DUTY, but a VERY large percentage don't have a clue about their power and DUTY toward nullification of the law when serving in the jury box. They have TWO DUTIES:  To protect BOTH the People and the LAW.   Most people [militia included] try to avoid serving on the jury if at all possible.  That is where bad law can fail and be made null and void by the People when you have an educated jury ON WHAT THE LAW REALLY SAYS. We all need to be aware of this Second Duty of the Militia.

Wouldn't it be GREAT if the 2,000,000 strong Knights of Columbus ALL knew THAT LITTLE SECRET?  Then they could host a real Pro American Campaign to KEEP AMERICA GREAT by getting that word out all across states ...till those TWO DUTIES become common knowledge to every school child in the Nation.  Until that day arrives, Liberty will remain a pipe dream. Such a program would go a long ways toward educating our Sheriffs on Common and Constitutional law so that when the socialist that DO NOT  represent the People start coming against them like they are doing in Virginia, or any other state, the Sheriff will know where he/she needs to stand or be subject to immediate RECALL by the People. The video A PLAN TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC ....One Committee of Safety at a Time should be just as popular as the video,  A Pathway to Liberty  ...also in the Foundational Study and on our front page.

@rutharcle's picture

The transcript is posted for Monday 23 Dec 2019 that details the works identifying the four militia clauses and then in the second hour of callers questions Brent answers the why as to wives and daughters are not included - good stuff - coming soon

truthseeker639's picture

It has came to attention that I technically don’t nessarally  my body presay. Meaning I have been given a task in my heart to fully stand under God so as to serve God with my body and soul. Although researching has given me a better understanding of property law. I still as far as status is involved failed to learn who inperticular owns my body. How I do ask for any form of information on such topic. I read once in the Bible that a man cannot serve two masters and it has hit me hard I my heart . If I do not own my self and my body is owned wouldn’t that make the owner my unknown master who of which I must serve involuntarily . This question haunts me on a day to day basiS. Please comment any insight is appreciated to the utmost of importanice. Thank you 

Libertybell's picture

Your body is a vessel for your spirit, no one owns it, but you can beaster of it, when your spirit leaves your body, your body how's back into the ground, your spirit moves on. Your body is your property, meaning your spirit claims it until death. Serving two can chose who you serve, God or the devil, your spirit or conscience tells your body to serve own or the other, if you are serving two masters, you will hate one and love the other. We

VNGNTN1's picture

My understanding is the real you is a creation by the CREATOR and humans have a unique relationship with the Creator by having a fragment as part of YOU. Ownership would then be the Creation you are part of. My understanding of that is the 5th dimension is the lowest and home of Human Creation.
Our job is to create & maintain a body in the 3rd dimension that honors the Creator by causing further creation in the lower planes ! A big part of this is maintaining soveriegnty .
The church expresses this with the concept of OMNIPRESENCE, OMNISCIENCE, OMNIPOTENT

@rutharcle's picture

Create what you will qourse that's neither here nor there ; moving forward and upward teaching while continuing journey of peace and goodwill for humanity in that you see things are not real when you focus on the inside 

Unbridledform's picture

As I make my way through the recorded calls it's becoming clear how incredibly important it is to take back: our courts, the education of our children, and the right to control our own destiny.
If we are not educated we are crippled. 
If we do not move we are allowing others to control us.
Freedom requires the protection of those who enjoy it, that is our obligation. 
And it all comes down to the law. 

Eric Levy's picture

You got that right, Unbridledform! So, you listened and learned ... good for you! Tell all your friends and family and anyone who will listen what you've learned and see if you can start a committee of safety or become a committeeman in your community; or simply educate others. Suddenly, by listening to the recorded calls, you've got knowledge of your true heritage and history that most people just don't. 

stonewoman's picture

Dear Patriots- I recommend you learn wisdom from Celeste Solum while it is possible; she is a former FEMA science expert and a Believer in CHrist and is now on you tube w/insights on the deep hidden evil of the covid virus family, which is being designed to take over human, fetal and anmal rights of life (under the new globalist "Strategic Intel Agile Govt."plans...)She studies the documents and plans and sees they are 200 layers deep. Also she has found a hidden plant destroying particle that is moisture activated in the covid 19 virus, which will enable Liberty Link patented Bayer GMO seeds to provide greenhouse so-called "Organic" foods.  The alternative info. sources are being studied by the globalists  and will be removed from all media...None will be able to prove the efficacy of natural treatments and  testimonies.  Animals will be targetted for death under pretext of protecting humans. Fetal transmission of covid family viruses presents new horrific possibility with the globalist plans to depopulate the earth. I urge you to quickly learn from her. The LORD is protecting her from the contract on her life, however her husband has been killed.  She is also at   

stonewoman's picture

Called "Chemarim" by our Creator; many examples can be discerned in the enemies. Eric Jon Phelps spent a lifetime amassing proof of the order called "Society of Jesus"- the Jesuits. As with most secret societies an oath is taken as shared committments are depended upon.  I have the long list of these words and anointing symbolism, and thought to share some sentences here with any who want to be "wiser than the serpent"....( Imagine the many black robed priests with a dagger dipped in the Jesuit priest's blood, kneeling on the banner of the Pope and the cross of the order of Ignatius of Loyola. Hear the supplicant swearing allegiance to his superior, as he answers many questions and makes oaths to execute the will of "Pope, General and Superiors faithfully, to go into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope, as a coadjutor, confessor  and priest...Any who will not accept him be accursed and exterminated". There is much more- Including renouncing all other allegiances to country/king/prince/State and their laws and statutes, and the damning of Protestants... "TO DO MY UTMOST to destroy all their pretended powers,legal or otherwise, to wage relentless war secretly or openly,  sparing neither age, sex nor condition... And that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, bury alive... Open up the stomachs, and wombs of their women and crush the heads of their infants against the walls to annihilate their execrable race".  
"When a brother reveals any of our great secrets (of Boaz, Tubal Cain or Jachin), to be ready to cut his throat from ear to ear, pull put his tongue by its roots and bury his body in the bottom of some lake..."   When a minor ranking Jesuit is elevated after many years of allegiance, his new oath is called "Extreme", and I will shorten the body of the oath as follows:
"I,        in the presence of Almighty GOd , the blessed Virgin Mary the blessed Michael the archangel, the blessed St. John the baptist the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, promise and declare "To be a spy among your brethren, plant seeds of jealousy and hatred between states at peace, create revolutions and civil wars, to act in secret with your brother Jesuits who may be engaged on the other side, to become reformers among Calvinists, Huguenots, Protestants, and denounce from these pulpits our Holy Religion, even to descend so low as to become a Jew of the Jews, and to be all things to all people as a faithful soldier of the Pope.  (I will) serve as the instrument and executioner as directed, for none can serve here without the consecration of the blood of the heretic.."  In addition to your former oath you will repeat after me the words that make your own salvation sure :  "I will....secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the dagger or leaden bullet... for the ends justify the exterminate Protestants from the face of the earth, that the church may be the gainer in the ."  There is much more in the book "The Vatican Assassins" plus the use of symbols and blood with a dagger piercing the chest of the extreme oath taker.   This is FYI, to assist you in the spiritual war we are in.

Lovelove's picture

That is alot and sounds like u support that. We are to pose to stand behind God and Jesus. Nothing what u said.'s picture

2 x now I have submitted...I thought a question and it has not been addressed...PLEASE...add the proper address for case I have been doing it incorrectly...and so others are aware! THANK YOU!!

Nash4nashville's picture

Can you please be a little more specific and explain exactly what you are looking for. Thank you.

ajubilant1's picture

I too have a question about my area COSs . I may have a group in my immediate are that are interested too we are in cook and will ( in Tinley Pk on border). I printed the contacts but need to know who the corresp subcommittee is or who can reach back to me. thank you

Will's picture

Contact me at with your phone number and I will give you a call and discuss.

Werner's picture

Can somebody point me to book, PDF etc about the current status of the common law copyright.
I want to study the actual 'law' what the copyright is about, how to handle it, how can I make it legal etc pp.

Werner's picture

Can somebody point me to book, PDF etc about the current status of the common law copyright.
I want to study the actual 'law' what the copyright is about, how to handle it, how can I make it legal etc pp.

Will's picture

Contact me at with your phone number and I will give you a call and discuss.

John.Hanson's picture

Couldn;t get to the weekly call page without logging in. Is this a new rule or a mistake?

Gavin Thompson's picture

Hello, are there any members from Livingston, Co. Michigan? New membership looking forFellow Patriots to either Join, or begin setting up our Chapter.

aconourkiefer's picture

I just want to make a comment re CPS/DCS and it has been my experience that in Indiana (and I am sure holds the same across the country) that the person appointed to represent the "voice of the child/the child" is NOT an attorney in many court cases. Many counties in Indiana permit non-attorneys to practice law every single day of the week and are allowed under Indiana Law (i.e., by the Indiana Supreme Court and the Indiana State Bar Assocciation) to represent the child(ren) who have been removed from their parents/guardians and/or endure in-home services...while most other parties involved are assigned an attorney/lawyer from the beginnning...that is NOT always the situation for child(ren) - and same goes for fosters. These non-attorneys are called CASA's and sit at "counsel's table" with DCS/CPS...I was shocked the first time I participated in a DCS hearing in Indiana and witnessed the tag-teaming of CASA & DCS sitting at the same counsel's table. I know more than enough about our "law" to know right away something was wrong...CASA County Directors act like attorneys in the court room, but they have no subpoena power nor most authority since they are not attorneys/lawyers. Any experienced legal person could see that, but those in CASA who are practicing law every day as part of their jobs (and are not attorneys) may not have any idea what is going on for "the children." 
No other parties in the courtroom are represented by non-attorneys and, thus, the child(ren) are the only parties (many times) NOT provided an equal playing field legally. Please understand that CPS/DCS does NOT represent the child(ren) and they represent the State. People are mislead (esp. the parents who have their child(ren) in CPS/DCS) that their child(ren) are represented by an attorney. That is the farthest thing from the truth in many cases in Indiana. Indiana allows CASA's to practice law every single day and during hearinngs and many (if not most) CASAs are NOT attorneys. I am not talking about Guardian Ad Litems (GALs), but a CASA...most counties in Indiana (and, again, I am sure in most counties across our nation) are abusing the rights of the child(ren). Also, judges get to decide if the child(ren) gets an attorney aka GAL or a non-attorney aka CASA. So criminal and so wrong. I cannot tell you how many requests I made to my CASA Director (who played a lawyer) and to DCS and I do not think I ever got my way on anything in the 1 1/2 lears I was a CASA volunteer. DCS left me out of several case meetings and when I requested particulars for my child(ren)....nothing; and, a few times my CASA Director supported DCS' decision...I got my hand slapped more than once by my CASA Director for using words I should not have said when I defended "my child" and being left out of case meetings or other serious CASA Director literally did not defend "the child" and instead defended DCS or a service provider...I'm still in shock! My CASA Director is a very hard worker and nice person, but we just did not see eye to eye with me having the legal background that I do and she had none prior to taking her job three (3) years before I came to be a volunteer under her. 
I had to quit, because I could not endure it anymore. I cannot be invovled in the corrupt system and have my hands tied by my supervisor who plays an attorney with no idea what he/she is truly doing "legally." It really upsets me for the children's sake. 
I have been a litigation paralegal for about 25 years and Indiana Law never allowed me to work w/the public - I am not allowed to provide legal advice to anyone - and I sure as heck am not allowed to practice law in a courtroom for anyone (although, late last week I notified the Indiana Supreme Court and the Indiana State Bar Association that they no longer have my consent to speak for me/have authority over me...they never did...and I notified both entities that I will work for the public at my choosing), I am not supposed to work w/the public, but the person representing the child(ren) of DCS/CPS are allowed to be represented by a non-attorney (and many/most with NO legal training prior to taking their CASA job). It sickens and upsets me so much to know this is how the children have been treated for decades! I also noticed that foster parents do NOT always get assigned an attorney and they should be provided legal counsel from day one and involved in the court process the entire way. 
If anyone is involved in a CPS/DCS matter across the nation, PLEASE tell the judge ASAP that you want a lawyer/attorney for EVERY party involved (including the child(ren) and foster parents). Get the child(ren) the fair and equitable representation they deserve, which is is equal to all other parties involved, and please do not assume the person representing your child(ren) is equal to others in the courtroom...PLEASE SPEAK UP ASAP and ASK and if he/she is NOT an attorney/lawyer then Motion/Request the Court for one ASAP.
We have to implode every state's bar association and the American Bar Association...I do not think the general public realizes the damage ALL Bars in our nation have done and are doing to "we the people." 

coalminer111's picture

I'm kind of directing this to John I was wondering if there is anything that I could do to put an order on a judge that ordered me to pay a retired judge his friend a mediation fee when I think I have the right to get a bill for this retired judge as well as the two opposing councils canceled checks to prove to me that they paid their $597 is there any way then I can put a stop to this other than bankruptcy? Sincerely Richard

DJ- Hill's picture
2022 August 29 NLA Mon-Night @ 1:37:50.
:Kansas-City-816 :Question1: Is NLA … Government-bankruptcy-doings?
:Guy-Voice-Ans: ‘Its’ -going to take care of itself[,] ... handled on the top, :above our pay-grade…. WHAT?! The -People and
GOD are the DOI-1776-AD -Covenant-TOP! Fix-This: Toxicity!

DJ- Hill's picture
2022 August 31 Study-note: HC: 1679
Reason: For: a) securing Liberty: DOI-1776-AD, and:
b) preventjailment beyond the Seas Because people-abuse
               with the breach: Office: oath-taker with harm-made
               upon the State-Country-Man-sovereign-Beneficiary-Settlor-Grantors: DOI-1776-AD.
c) No laches against the King.

Keith pruitt's picture

Our founding fathers made our nation a republic cause all people know the difference between what is right and wrong. But people these days think they are entitled & don't care about the wrong they have to do to receive there entitlement. Which no person is born to be entitled to. When in fact we are born to knowing difference of right & wrong. & that we should live our life's doing what is right and to stop the wrongs being forced upon us.

wecone's picture

I also get the same error code, "INCORRECT ID.  PLEASE TRY AGAIN"


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