VA state police officer kidnaps me

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TrueJustice's picture
VA state police officer kidnaps me

I was speaking to a security officer about my identity and expressing to the man who I was but the security guard misinformed the police officer who was called to investigate the nature of the trespassing offense I was being accused of by the security guard. at which point the police officer arrived on the scene and within a minute detained me unlawfully and without warrant or probable cause even, not to mention, his failure to identify himself as an officer of law. I verbally protested the violation of my life liberty and property as the man accompanied by the two security guards continued to search and seize my property from off my person and claim I was someone who I was not. I continued to protest verbally explaining the failure to identify me properly as well as the officer not showing his credentials upon my demand for identification. as which point the officer received backup which he then continued to pass on the miss information of my identity and expressed cause for my unwarranted and unlawful arrest. from here I was sped as quickly as possible to the jail to see a magistrate violating the posted speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour. once there I pled with anyone who would hear my cry of protest and duress and no one would speak to me. as I was eventually placed before the magistrate they became a party to the crime by disregarding my pleads that there had been a simple misunderstanding and that I was kidnaped by the officer explaining who I was had never been fully addressed at which point they asked my for my information which they entered into the system and claimed the charges stood and issued the ransom for my release. at this point I was very let down. I was given the warrants and as soon as I saw the document I immediately returned it to the guard who at this point had charge over me and informed them that there had been a mistake in identity again ad that the document was not addressed to me the natural human being but the corporate person I no longer am associated with due to the filing of my affidavit of status with the local courts. following this I am thoroughly humiliated and mocked for hours and hours until eventually im eventually sent before a judge over a day later. this judge having been misinformed of my identity by the forms before her proceeded with the case as she routinely would so I had to address the issue before I could proceed to challenge the jurisdiction of the court and ask for the case to be dismissed. i was unable to proceed to challenging jurisdiction because as soon as I broke the routine the judge began to insist I take an attorney at which I said no and said I wished to represent myself. I continued to fully explain my situation as being kidnaped as for the nature for the need for me to identify myself with my affidavit. at which point the judge acknowledged the document then dismissed it as a separate person than the persons the documents she held addressed. furthermore she proceeded to practice law from the bench by appointing me a court appointed attorney and demanding I leave the room. I objected profoundly and said I did not wish to seek representation and that I did not accept her ruling. I proceeded to try to address the nature and cause of the action against me to identify the court and challenge the jurisdiction but the judge would not let me speak. I had no choice but to leave and pay the ransom under protest and duress and am now seeking to be restored to honor.

Scotteharris's picture
remaryhenrich's picture

I'm in Franklin county and they are just getting started on you ,if you were an old lady, as i am they would have came at you with bully clubs and mace,and refused to look at your documentation, the magistrate just wants to know what job you do so they know how much money they can get.. not allowed to speak or show your proof,the video gets shut down as they have got information for them and then they are done with you..I have been before three ,judges here and having with me each time my proof, being #1 The Constitution #2 Supreme Court "Case Law"#3 Blacks Law Dictionary #4 The Federalist Papers. all have been with me from my stop and when the police kidnap me they went missing...and my camera card gone.
I replaced them all.the hearing I was not spoken to nor allowed to speak and waved of to a room all doors locked but court room door and i had health Issue from this stress and went for the door, i was meet by two sheriffs that force me back in to that locked room,to get the papers for my guilty plea i never gave and no words to the judge or consented to give HIM any of my rights .HE self appointed himself as to take my right to plead in HIS COURT ROOM. this goes non stop,im being shoved through the corrupt courts and objected each and every time, I even asked in court the officer what is your first duty in office the response was I DO NOT KNOW!! and then i asked what in the Constitution is guaranteed to me? I DO NOT KNOW? WTF then i went at the judge and the lawyers all ran for the court room doors,the judge is just as competent as the police ,and ruled on his opinion i was guilty! against all my objections. the judge then charged me 180.00 and destroyed my gun! that has the highest sentimental Value to Me..and it keeps going on im now going on 6 months and here the jury trial the judge takes the court over and rules over the jury and sticks you with the bill..i'm stressed to my limits afraid to even go out to buy food and the "home grown people" know it is corrupt and just obey, i have sent letters to the state do not bother i shall try next the appeals court,,,,i sat in the court to see what they do. OMFG this trial was an assault i sat in,, one man took the other mans tools he used to work and earn his living...the thief admitted to being the one to first swing fist, but it is even better then that,,(some another man was there for his tools the thief stolen, the guy had a gun even held to the thief's head ! the court did not ask who the man is with the gun !! i bet they know who it is and that person must have the RIGHT LAST NAME or just brings in more business for the court...i had to walk out i couldnt take watching the lawyers and judge do this to the first man that only wanted his tools to feed his children, it is obvious he will be sent to prison! and the thief and gun man will have no charges,the thief i found out has a long record of stealing and he beats the piss out of HIS women,the man that tools were stolen from headed for jail has minor record no violence or stealing..record... do not drink on your property either the police will beat you and arrest for it,the story's are endless and i chose not to hang around with anyone here and i do not drink,the stress has an affect on these people just like the federalist Papers talk about could happen if you take the peoples respect away leaves no Virtue...i refuse to obey and i have lived my life by the common law and respect them, for it is in them Life ,Liberty.and the Pursuit of Happiness that in gives People of Virtue HOPE. wow just noticed that you wrote in 2014 hope all turned out good for you..

andramedia's picture

I am so sorry to read about about the VA Police corporation's kidnapping and taking you hostage.  The felonious crimes they committed against you are both kidnapping and hostage taking.  Police have no arresting powers and authority whatsoever, as you may know.  Any arrest done by them is not an arrest, as you may know.  Besides kidnapping and hostage taking, the crimes they committed against you are also aggravated assault and battery, domestic terrorism, war crimes on a private American civilian, and contract coercian.  It is imperative that you send the information that you posted here, as a criminal referral letter, to united states Navy JAG Corps to: Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Chief Judge, Department of the Navy (Code 05) United States Navy JAG Corps1254 Charles Morris Street Southeast, Suite 320 Washington, DC 20374-5124 Fax (202) 685 - 7690