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Infamous Keny
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I (Infamous Keny) was threatened with DEATH,( two times ) by an ACE HARDWARE Store Manager on Seattle, Washington   ---  for ATTEMPTING TO SHOP WHILE DISABLED  (Double leg amputation /congestive heart disease);
I started the COMMON-LAW ('Administrative Remedies') CLAIM(s) Process   ---    and dba: ACE HARDWARE STORES Solicited a CONSPIRACY with dba: City of Seattle) to initiate a PROSECUTION for TRESPASS against a FICTITIOUS NAME similar to my name - and sent the process to MY Dwelling Place in an obvious effoert to INTIMIDTAE A WITNESS /VICTIM   - I Responded IN GOOD FAITH by SPECIAL VISITATION IN THE NATURE OF DEMAND FOR BILL OF PARTICULARS asking for EVIDENCE upon which I could determine the NATURE and CAUSE of the "Prosecution", inclusive of whether or not it was intended to apply to me   ---   NO RESPONSE BY THE "PLAINTIFF";
Meantime I finished the COMMON-LAW (Administrative) Proceeding and thus had a COMMON-LAW (Administrative) JUDGMENT subsequently Published in a CLERK /Recorder's Office on a county in Georia;
MANDATORY NOTICE [ER 201] with a Certified Copy of the JUDGMENT was Filed /Served at the Municipal 'court' and all Perties to the 'Prosecution';
I then REGISTERED the JUDGMENT as a FOREIGN JUDGMENT in the King County Superior Court and provided MANDATORY NOTICE [ER 201] to the Municipal 'court'; it was IGNORED;
I then EXECUTED a NOTICE OF REMOVAL of the Municipal 'court' "case" into the SUPERIOR COURT  (COMMON_LAW) JUDGMENT - appropriately SERVED and Filed in both courts;
Meantime the municipal 'court' held three 'hearings' - two of which I attended - IN CONTINUING SPECIAL VISITATION and Verbally informed the municipal 'court' of the FACT of the SPECIAL VISITATION DEMAND FOR BILL OF PARTICULARS, inclusive of EVIDENCE upon which I could determine the NATURE & CAUSE, inclusive of Whether or Not I was Inteded as a Proper Party to the municipal 'court' action;
On my 3rd (physical) SPECIAL VISITATION at the municipal 'court', I brought a COPY of the REMOVAL PROCESS   ---   I annouced (again) that I was in Special Visitation, had no response to the DENAD FOR BILL OF PARTICULARS upon which I could determe if I were a proper party and other matters of NATURE & CAUSE, and HANDED A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF REMOVAL to the Bailiff who handed it to the clerk, who stamped it in And HANDED IT TO THE 'Judge';
The 'Judge' conformed with the "Prosecutor" that her office had received SERVICE and she afiirmed that fact   ---   the'Judge' asked if she (Prosecutor) had READ IT   ---   she mumbled something unintelligible   ---   and the 'Judge' asked me several questions about the REMOVAL PROCESS   ---   and inclusive of "WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THIS COURT CONTINUES TO TRIAL?";
I SMILED Real Big, and responded 'GREAT' I'll just get a Copy of the Malpractice  /Liability Insurance Policies and BOND(s) of every city Officer and Employee involved and JOIN THEM as JUDGMENT DEBTORS to the JUDGMENT in Superior Court based on thier KNOWING and WILLFUL consuct of JOINING in the Nature of 'ACCESSORY AFTER THE FACT' to the FACTS already settled by JUDGMENT and based on Acts of Congress at a rate of 250,000.00 per offense, and thus a MINIMUM of 500,000.00 per participant';
The 'Judge' asked the Prosecutor "WHAT IS THE CITY'S POSITION ON THIS/"  and the Prosecutor responded "MOTION TO DISMIS" your Honor   !!!;
'Judge':" MOTION GRANTED, CASE DISMISSED" and the written 'Judgment' of the municipal 'court' stated the Grounds for the Dismissal as " the Defense is unable to determine the NATURE & CAUSE of the 'Prosecution'   !!!
---   for copies of the Process email