proepilot's picture


proepilot's picture

Just trying to keep up with Florida LOL.
Best Regards,
Jesse A Baker

Phaedra's picture

I just got off the phone with someone very interested in becoming a county organizer for Clearfield County. She's going to sign up to the site and educate herself before she jumps in to start the process. We'll be keeping in touch with her and also get her in touch with Jesse.

garyd's picture


Rosalind's picture

Hi Gary,
Are you still meeting as listed in this entry? Meetup no longer lists this group.
Rosalind Daily

ecoquesttom's picture

Aorry to say, Gary passed some time ago, at a young age.

Timothy of thethomas family's picture

I have some ?that I would life answered pls help me to become a member  I need help with fileing my stuff

Jan@NLA's picture

This a test to see if the link is working.