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In order to understand the Book of Revelation we need to understand that Revelation is a prophetic book and therefore, are parables revealing the mysteries hidden in God’s Word as He reveals in, Prov 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Therefore, using the Bible as its own interpreter we need to study the parables as taught by Jesus and only then will we be able to understand the prophetic books of the Bible like Revelation. I believe that this study is proof positive that all the seals have been opened. And the contents of this study will be seen as self-evident, proven by the signature of the Holy Spirit.
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I'm here! Let's get it started.
I never thought to look here; there's so much on the NLA website. I am in western Assachusetts.
Im close by in New York.
I am from Ohio. Hello Neighbor.
Hello from Cincinnati :)
OhioGate here.
Anyone from Ohio, I am southern Ohio.
Cincinnati :)
I´m from Chillicothe. I just learned there was a grand jural assembly in Jackson.
OhioGate here.
Does this site get into any reverse racism that is idolized in public colleges and universities?"anyone except caucasion" may apply, is what I just heard today at school while interviewing adjuncts. The adjuncts fully recognize "diversity" is not only racism, but the school apparently does not.
Contact any law firm that deals with civil matters you may be in for a cash award. Look up my personal favorite firm, Dewey, Cheetum and Howe. they are as professional a law firm as any. LOL let us know where the award party is, if there is one.
I got now the second notice from IRS (though nobody signed) to pay 'taxes'.
i am going to send them a 'notice and demand letter'
as they threaten to seize my property, I am in the process of making it allodial.
what further action do I have to take?
Do a Jurisdictional Challenge to the case. Contact for info
Tell the IRS to stick it they are not even suppose to be in this countr. They are foreign to you and trust me thatthey will not even show up in court. Deal with them via the freedom of information act get all the paperwork
Tell the IRS to stick it they are not even suppose to be in this countr. They are foreign to you and trust me thatthey will not even show up in court. Deal with them via the freedom of information act get all the paperwork
Hi, Is anyone can help me with the debt collectors law suits agains me? The judges are corrupted and I have a trial on January and case management on August 21.
Have the Debt collectors sent you a summons? Or do you have Judgement? Are you getting debt collection letters?
I have done a ton defending credit card lawsuits in Ohio and things in the corporate fake "courts" are going from bad to worse for alleged debtors who submit to the corporate "court". People who really fight using the de facto rules are getting sanctioned for basically being right. And I used to be a player in this system without knowing what it truly was. Anybody feel free to email me whatever you want: My main concerns now, besides debt relief against the nastier of the banksters is to stop the proliferation of 5G and smart technology without cosent, and freeing people from psychiatric incarceration/false imprisonment by the corporate State for human trafficking purposes. I look forward to speaking with you each. Katherine
Hello, here from OhioGate group.
What kind of help do you need
hello from Hardin county
This website says you can help with family/cps case, yet no one is helping me. I joined the joinder, paid the $100 donation fee, despite being in poverty. I had asked if I could pay monthly until I reached the full payment of $100, yet I didn't get a response. I've also tried contacting Jan, no response. Yet, I'm told this joinder will not get my kids back, which is my main goal at the moment and to stop this case from moving forward. I'm told to take the govt class courses, I am, but you are forgetting, it takes time to learn and some of us aren't a fast to learn as perhaps others and my case is time sensitive, having the last hearing for my CPS case Aug 21, 2019 which is fastly approaching!!!! When one doesn't understand the legal system and forms that could possibly be submitted to county juvenile court in the here and now, learning, again I say...takes time! I have no time at the moment!!! It's taking me too long to learn what I could possibly do for myself/my case right now and no one is around to offer guidance. I get it, you are all very busy. However, to state on this site that you can help with cps case and not do it, is to give false hope to those who are in despair, oppression, and fear for not just one's self, but for their children. I have mentioned that I want to help/volunteer with NLA, once I have the time to really take my time to absorb the courses, in order to learn what is needed so that I can help others, but right now, I need the help and I'm not getting the guidance I need. Isn't there anyone who has gone through cps, or someone who may know what forms I can send to county court and how to, in the here and now!?? I'm in Ohio
I can probably help but it’s. It easy via texting you can call me 602 736-8092
I could probably help too, with CPS. Just understand that we got ourselves in this position and it won´t be easy to get us out. There IS a lot to know and not all of it is helpful but I have had a few successes. Those who are helped must turn around and help others too. Are you willing to help me fight smart meter deployment in Ohio? Call me Sunday evening: 614-633-0215
Agreed. Also the information on Jurisdiction is not entirely accurate. I live in Indiana & am dealing with a case for my daughter (Juvenile deliquent case). She actually did nothing wrong according to Indiana law. Now this is a criminal matter but they are always touting how you can challenge Jurisdiction. Well you can but that doesn't mean you're going to prove it doesn't exist. I assure you that superior & Circuit courts have jurisdiction over you in most cases in the city or county where you live. The Constitution has given them that power & if you think I'm wrong, prove it! "Oh it's in there, you have to understand where the founding fathers got their law from to understand it though." I have a news flash for you people. Even if that's true, what makes you think that the judge is going to rule that way? You think he or she has taken the time to dig into all the minutiae of the origins of the law? They are going to see what is in print, in the law & interpret it they way they see it. They will laugh at you & you will put yourself in further jeopardy.
I’m from Ohio southwestern but I have been living in Phoenix Arizona for the last 3 year. I’m going after the office of inspector General with a Administrative TorT. Once I get rid of the IRS I’m going to simply collapse my cesti que trust since I’m a beneficiary I have found all of my fund numbers, Visio numbers ive been studying so mucH. Nobody is talking about the Bid bonds that the courts are Hiding. These are debt jails that they are running and most all judges run them and they could easily get stuck with tax evasion yup
Trust me when we get our SSN card a bid bond is immediately written against it it’s called a prison bond or statutory bond see the people were never informed that right around the time of the Vietnam war the FRN dropped like 3.4 percent something like that of which affected the courts and judges
I realized that None of their laws even apply to the priv citizen
HI my name len i have a big problem with my commercial property i have been unincorperated for 35 yrs all of a sudden i get annexed in deer pk il 2wks later i get a bill for water and sewer 1050. dollars and its quaterly plus new codes and statutes iam going out of buisnes if they get there way is there anyone that could help thanks len
ps.iam on well and septic paying for something i do not have