Welcome To National Liberty Alliance And Our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY

PART III - Transformation

National Liberty Alliance didn’t just happen overnight. Over a period of five years, a lot of time, research, trial and error went into this effort, before it evolved into a national movement.  See Prefacehttps://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/preface

Disclaimer:  We are not part of the sovereign citizen movement.

We do not endorse or entertain the fiction such as bills of exchange, redeeming and/or discharging through trust accounts; nor do we involve ourselves with contracts, commercial liens and the exchanging of an oath of office for a value. We do not encourage or teach people to write declarations, drive without driver's licenses, revoke their voter’s application, and revoke their birth certificate or their social security numbers. We do not support self-appointed judges and international courts. The power of the Grand Jury is to write true bills of indictment, true bills of presentments, true bills of information and file them in Article III Courts and other Constitutional courts.

Conversion from New York Committeemen to New York Liberty Alliance to National Liberty Alliance (NLA)

Enter Justice Antonin Scalia – In a stunning 6 to 3 decision in United States v. Williams, Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams. This document can also be found on the Welcome page under the sub-heading - Power of the Grand Jury which is located below the Welcome Message video and Jefferson’s picture.

Take the time to read the highlighted passages of this extremely powerful decision that has the potential to change the landscape of American Jurisprudence.  Then watch the video–“Power of th Grand Jury  October 2014”.

Change was slow to come - As a result of a phone call from a friend named Arnie in the early months of 2013, one of the co-founders of NLA, John Darash, was told “you need to stop what you are doing and take the time to read the majority decision in the United States v. Williams Supreme Court Case (1992). John agreed to do just that out of respect for his friend.  He sat down that very evening and began reading the case.  It was one of those aha moments. He immediately called his friend and co-founder, Gerard and shared the document with him.  They both devoured it with insatiable delight.  

Show and Tell - A short while afterward, John and the state wide assembly he was associated with decided on a name change.  It would no longer be the New York Committeemen, and would now be known as New York Liberty Alliance.

John and Gerard decided to spread the word regarding this overlooked and important Supreme Court decision. The potential had now become too big to limit to just the confines of New York. As they began to appear on one blog-talk show after another exposing the power of this document; word spread rapidly and many of the listeners immediately wanted to become a part of the movement.  In April of 2013, the short lived New York Liberty Alliance opened their hearts and doors to a nation of people thirsting for knowledge and truth.  It would ultimately open many doors that had been previously hidden from our view.  And National Liberty Alliance better known as NLA was birthed.

By late May, NLA had expanded to almost 200 members strong and now existed in five additional states.  By the fall of 2013, the Monday Night Calls had swelled to a listening audience of 50 or 60 patriots. Since that time, NLA has continued to grow and now has approximately 7000 members, and a presence in all 50 states and several foreign countries.

By October 2013, NLA started utilizing the Scalia decision in our paperwork that was being filed in the local townships to test the waters of the National Liberty Alliance.  As a result some unexpected guests showed up. The FBI watchdogs now had us on their radar.  These visits proved to be both cordial and harmless and any anxiety was quickly dispatched as to the purpose and intent in our filings.

Doing Business As; the DBA - Around 1992, John had a midlife awakening and he has discussed this on the Monday night calls.  As a general contractor, you and your family can face exposures to potential lawsuits, legal actions and threats perpetrated by others; be they clients, equipment or material providers, sub-contractors, and others that can place undo and needless stress on a family, that a DBA [doing business as] would reduce considerably.  In an absolutely brilliant move he kept his first name and used it as part of his new company name, but at the same time present himself as a people and not a company.  John chose a verb in the Hebrew text for his last name in this fictional DBA. It was a word that described his life’s journey; a seeker of deity in prayer and worship…to investigate, to practice, to study, to follow–seek, with application, to inquire.  Darash is #1875 in the Hebrew lexicon. Over the last 26 years all of the people who have come to know John, and interact with him in his business, social life and now here in NLA, know him only by his business name:  John Darash. Since this is what everyone has known him by it has become the accepted name he uses everywhere.

The point here is not that John Darash is a dba, the point is that in 1992, he hadn’t seen the United States v. Williams case and even if he had may not have had the political, historical or lawful knowledge to see its application. Everything that followed after that provided the time he needed to gain the knowledge required to SEE this truth and apply it. That is the point. Everything happens in God’s time, not man’s. And God never demands of anyone, anything they are unable to accomplish. In 1992, neither John Darash nor the rest of us were prepared to take back our Republic.

Probably one of the most fascinating aspects of the Scalia decision in 1992 is that it took 21 years sitting on the shelf collecting dust before someone noticed it, and had enough between the ears to know what it was they had read. That fact alone speaks volumes of how well the conspiracy against the population to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry has traveled.  

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. Benjamin Franklin

Maybe that person didn’t know what to do with it, but they knew someone who did.  The Progressives have done a marvelous job in dumbing down the American people.  Their goal to ultimately destroy America came into view during the reign of the 34th President, who exposed the military industrial complex.

But then something wonderful happened during the latter years of that unmitigated disaster of the 44th President.  The silent majority began to wake up to reality and NLA emerged on the national landscape with a plan they developed to take back the judicial and political processes.   Also during that same time period, an unlikely candidate emerged who awakened tens of millions of people by stating that he would give control of government back to the We the People and Make America Great Again!  

The Quo Warranto was the first document the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury filed and it was filed in all 94 Federal District Courts in America.

NOT SEES - We believe that 1992-93 was a pivotal time in our history and that the future will confirm that fact.  The hearts and minds of many were changed during this time for reasons unknown; and only now are we starting to recognize those changes.

In the book of Matthew - Chapter 13, we read of truths to be seen and heard, but not seen and not heard. While some might argue that those twenty-one years of “blindness” , 1992-2013, was lost opportunity, and want to place the blame on those with ears to hear, but did not hear, and eyes to see, but did not see.  However; those cognizant of God’s timing, view this differently.  

We the People, thanks to a Progressive and intentional gradual decay of our people and the Public School System, has created a nation of Not Sees. Our ability to see the Truth presented before our eyes cannot be seen for it is clouded with deception, lies, fraud and rewritten history going back many decades.

We live in a fictional state; thinking we are Free…Nothing could be further from the truth.  In 1992, we had more freedom and the Internet was just coming of age. Before the Internet most people were unable to discern the truth. The enlightenment of the Internet and the tools it made available; made us more aware of our circumstances.  We became more aware of the world around us and started to understand the depravity and moral decay of our society, the terror and violence on the streets, the corruption in the government and the media, and the lack of safety in our schools and houses of worship. Clearly solutions were needed and NLA came forth with a plan to solve these problems by taking back the political and judicial processes through education of  We the People.  

Ultimately we are in a race against time and truth.

Preparing our Servants for change - The NLA National leadership continues the battle against the powers of darkness in the courts and with a continuing campaign to educate and enlighten our servants on our Heritage, the Constitution and Common law. They need to understand their heritage and the documents.  We the People also need to know these things so we can hold our servants accountable.  
See videos on our American Heritage:



The U.S. Capitol tour with David Barton



We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”  James Madison

To do all of what NLA does, they must depend solely upon the good hearts of their members and their generous monthly donations to support their efforts in the filing of paperwork in the courts and to fund the office overhead, supplies, and maintenance required to continue this effort.  They don’t ask a lot, just $5/month. If you can give more it is much appreciated.

We believe this is a very small price to pay for the knowledge and a Plan to take back the Republic for yourself and all of those that follow. We believe that everyone, with few exceptions, can set a priority and afford five dollars a month.

There is no free lunch; value received demands payment in kind. Even though all the members of our Alliance are volunteers and no one receives a salary, it still costs money to maintain the website, provide electricity, pay the rent of a small office, maintain and provide ink, paper, supplies, copy/FAX machines, printers, phones, postage and court fees.  It all costs money and entire operation is funded solely by your donations.  

We must lead by example, in the hopes that those who follow will do likewise. As seekers of knowledge and truth, we all have received much during our journey with NLA.  We know you will too.  We are counting on your participation and your generosity each month.  We have no choice. We won’t take back the Republic, if you are not helping to do your fair share. 

In addition to monetary support, we do ask each Alliance member to help with the national effort by providing us with a small amount of their time; be it only an hour a week.

NLA Leadership is here to guide us by example, but they can’t do what we must do in our own communities, townships and counties. We are an Alliance and utilizing the Internet we have the means to show you our vision of the future and how you can take back your local communities.  NLA is providing you with the history, documents and background information you need to stand on your own two feet and defend your contract, the Constitution and Bill of Rights/Prohibitions, with all your government servants.  The government servants are starting to understand that the Pen is mightier than the Sword.  

PART IV - Just The Basics in American History


@rutharcle's picture

Then watch the video–“Power of th Grand Jury October 2014”.

Rosalind's picture

Thanks for all you do. I'm thankful to God and you all, and am doing my best to run this race together with you. What a privilege AND responsibility... And I am confident He will bless us!!

L Joe Silva's picture

I think I am starting to understand I have been a member for some time now but have done nothing with it which is about to change . Thanks to whatever influence me to start reading this morning

Bailey's picture

EXCELLENT information for the layman. Great video's, as well. It's priceless, information for Patriots. And, here I thought all you Yankee-Puritans were a bunch of heathens. hahahaha! ;) Yes, I'm kidding, of course! I lived in Saratoga Co. for a couple years....and, met some WONDERFUL people up there. "Salt of the earth" kind of people.
Thanks for putting together all the awesome information. I'm enjoying it immensely. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Roger Locke Sr's picture
