Welcome To National Liberty Alliance And Our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY


The purpose of this study is to provide our members with the education that they should have received in our public schools but didn’t…a basic education on our American history, heritage, unalienable rights, the founding documents, and the contract we have with our government servants: the Constitution and its capstone Bill of Rights/Prohibitions; so that we can provide the leadership required to fill the void that will be left by the Deep State.

When you complete this study, you will have more knowledge on your heritage, rights and responsibilities than 95% of your peers.

In most of President Trump’s speeches to the American people; he points out to the crowd and states, “I need you”…and he does.  He cannot take back the Republic without us.  Will you be the one who heeds his call, stands up, takes responsibility, gets educated, and takes action?

An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens - Thomas Jefferson

Before starting this study, view the video “Filling The Void That Will Be Left By The Deep State”.



Enroll in the Constitution Course – It is the basic building block and prerequisite to the Civics Course, which we will discuss in PART VII.  The Constitution Course is located on the Free Courses Tab drop-down menu. The first three parts; the Introduction, Chapters 1and 2 are the Foundation of this study.


Read the Common Law Handbook for Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs and Justices located HERE. The link to this handbook can also be found on the Education tab drop-down menu Founding Documents slide-out, in the listing of documents as Common Law Handbook. Several additional readings of this handbook are encouraged. This handbook contains information you can use on a daily basis to determine which laws pertain to us and which laws pertain to our servant government and more importantly – why.


Most people falsely believe that they have Constitutional rights…they do not. Rather we have unalienable rights…rights that cannot be taken away. This handbook will also explain that the real law and the Supreme Law of the Land is common law and that statutes and codes are intended to control the behavior of our government servants and not us. Statutes and codes are not law but rather “color of law” which is an “appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right”; or as “distinguished from that which is real”.

Legislative statutes and codes enforced upon the People in the name of law is a fraud.

Our legislators were given certain authority by the People, but never the authority to control their behavior. This booklet will expose many of the false beliefs that have been ingrained in our thinking. These false beliefs will be exposed and eliminated as we replace them with the new-found truths in this study.

The linked pdf above has replaced the handbook that is presently out of print. The information in this handbook will clarify and enhance our understanding as to what unalienable rights are, how it is that we come by them and their importance.


Read the Declaration of '76 and its History - The early colonies of America had many statesmen that we recognize in our History today. One of these was Benjamin Franklin, who during his travels to England, became acquainted with Thomas Paine after reading a pamphlet he authored. Being impressed with his writing and after meeting Paine and listening to his ideas on government, he encouraged him to come to America where his talents and writing abilities could better be utilized. As a result he gave Paine a Letter of Introduction to the colonies.  He arrived in Philadelphia in November of 1774.

The bearer, Mr. Thomas Paine is very well recommended to me as an ingenious worthy young man.” - Benjamin Franklin

Paine was in America less than six months when the Battle of Lexington and Concord broke out on April 19, 1775 and started the Revolutionary War.  In January of that same year he had been hired on as editor of the Pennsylvania Journal and as a result readership had picked up considerably.  Not long after, Paine penned America’s first “declaration of independence”:  Common Sense on January 10, 1776.It became an overnight “best seller”.

Virtually all three million colonists read it or had it read to them if they were illiterate. Paine’s profound importance is difficult to measure. Prior to his Common Sense, reconciliation with the British monarch was still the political mindset all over Colonial America, save John Adams. Even the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were still mired in the reconciliation camp. And the man who introduced him to America, Benjamin Franklin, was also not willing to break with English rule. Tradition and Justinian church dogma controlling the people through monarchical bloodlines and intermarriage going back thousands of years blurred the vision of everyone, but not in the mind of Thomas Paine.

Mind control can only be supplanted through a proper education; the prime objective of Foundation Study I.  It is no different today than it was back then.  Thomas Paine’s Common Sense ripped through the Church’s dogma like hot steel through butter and set the stage for Liberty, Freedom and Independence throughout the land. Paine had primed the pump.   Five months later, on June 11 Congress appointed The Committee of Five; Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson being two of the five assigned to bring forth a formal declaration of independence.

The Declaration of '76 officially became the Law of the Land by August 2, 1776.

The Declaration of Independence and the History of the Declaration of '76 can be located under the Education tab and slide-out Founding Documents.

An excellent documentary movie on Thomas Paine can be viewed on YouTube - Thomas Paine The most valuable Englishman ever Part 1:



Read The Militia Act of 1792.

This Act requires every able-bodied male between the ages of 17 and 45 to be a part of the well-regulated, unorganized militia.  This militia comprises approximately 57 million Americans who are entrusted with the responsibility of protecting America from enemies both foreign and domestic. ALL able-bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45, capable of carrying a weapon into battle, ARE part of the militia of the several states. One does not join the militia; YOU are a part of the well-regulated, unorganized militia under the Constitution for the United States of America if you meet those requirements. In fact, approximately one in five Americans in your community constitute the Militia of the several states and all of them are authorized by the Constitution for the United States to be armed; all 57,000,000 of them. A vast majority of Americans are unaware of this Constitutional responsibility. This lack of understanding of this important Constitutional duty stems from the usurpation of the Constitution and educational systems by the Deep State.


Watch the three videos below:

1)  “The Pathway to Liberty – Our Forefathers Monument”

This video highlights the principles upon which our country was founded.

2)  “A Program to Restore the Republic”


This video will explain and educate us on what a Committee of Safety’s purpose and function was in Colonial America; and why it is important that we resurrect this historically-proven conception 2018. 

This concept has been hidden very well and was NEVER intended to be resurrected again. The COS is a primary tool that we can use to take back the Republic. The three Constitutional duties which the people must participate in to achieve self-government that were discussed briefly in PART II, are covered in more detail in this video for the roles they played in our history and will play in our Program to Restore the Republic. This understanding must be made clear, not only for those who will take up arms to defend our nation on the battle fields, but for those who need to be armed with knowledge to take up the battle in our communities, courtrooms, schools etc.

3)  “COS Presentation 2016 Potential of the Committees of Safety".


This video is located on the Members tab. Scroll down to Committee of Safety and slide-out Committee of Safety. See the first video on the page.  It has three (3) parts and some of the information in this video was covered in the video in 5B above which provided more information on the specific duties of the militia.

This video was the first COS video produced after becoming aware of the COS concept. The Charter and Resolution presentations were then added to the video, so it could be shown to a small group of individuals in one presentation. Both of these videos discuss how the COS was used in Colonial America and how this concept can be utilized to educate and train the future leaders of America: The Committeemen, our future statesmen, and the four county Common Law Grand Jury Administrators. These positions will be discussed in PART VII.


Watch the “Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs” located at https://powerofthecountysheriff.org/ Once you have watched this video read the information on the page.


On the Sheriff tab - Watch Sheriff Mack’s videos “Untouchable Bill of Rights “Parts 1-5 https://powerofthecountysheriff.org/and Michael Badnarik’s “Rattling the Sheriff’s Cages About the Constitution”.


NLA has developed a new website and pocket handbook that is designed to educate the sheriffs, their deputies and other law enforcement personnel on the Constitution, Common Law and American’s heritage. The website is also a place where they may gather, interact and exchange ideas in an open forum.

Spend your remaining time in this study reading the Sheriff's Handbook and learning about the “Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs”.  The links to the handbook and video “Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs” are located at the top of the Sheriff page.

The Sheriff Campaign kicked off an ambitious nation-wide effort to raise enough money to provide a website and send out at least 20 handbooks to all County Sheriffs and their deputies as well as other law enforcement personnel. This effortrequires $60-$80,000 in funding to bring to fruition and that funding has not been received at this point. The plan to educate the law enforcement personnel is very much needed.  NLA just needs the money to complete this campaign. 

If you have ideas for raising large sums of money please contact our leadership.


Register on NLA as a County Organizer and start attending every Monday Night Call. You can join this call by clicking on the WEEKLY CALL tab located on the left side of page above blue menu bar and following the directions.  This concludes your study in the Law of the Land.

Your foundation has been poured and it will provide you with new strength in your search for truth.  Your new journey begins…right here and right now. The Knowledge you have acquired is power if it is applied.  It is now your time to be the leader you were intended to be by getting involved and becoming an active member of National Liberty Alliance and getting involved in your county’s business. They are involved in yours.

Congratulations and enjoy your journey with us. Please go to PART VI–Members Orientation and watch the Orientation videos before moving on to Foundation Study 2.  

Part VI - Members Orientation


@rutharcle's picture

The Sheriff Campaign kicked off an ambitious nation-wide effort to raise enough money to provide a website and send out at least 20 handbooks to all County Sheriffs and their deputies as well as other law enforcement personnel. This effortrequires $60-$80,000 in funding to bring to fruition and that funding has not been received at this point. The plan to educate the law enforcement personnel is very much needed. NLA just needs the money to complete this campaign.

Ron Flick's picture

What County are you in Charles?  County not Country; our founders were not perfect in naming areas. LOL Not to worry, it is a common mistake many make. Please correct your Profile data for us. Login first. Then go over to the left side of page and you will see a series of small boxes above your name and pic. Click on Edit. This will bring up your Account information. Now click on Contact Information. Scroll down the page just past your mailing address and insert the name of your COUNTY.  Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Save. Thanks for taking care of that.

Apparently you are new to NLA and no one has contacted you yet. New members are directed over to the Members tab. Hold your cursor over that tab and scroll down to "Welcome to NLA". Click on it, and read and follow the directions. In time it will direct you to the important stuff you will need in order to lay in a good solid forundation for the time you spend here with us.  It is easy to get lost as we have volumns of reading material. Stick in the Foundation Study and get the fundamentals under your belt and then we'll find you a spot you can relate to for your interest. Thanks for coming and taking the time to see what we have. Enjoy your stay.

Charlie's picture

I thought I learned a lot on my own. there's a wealth of information here that
everybody in America should  read  and understand. I am very impressed with this material and I'm going to spend the time it takes to learn it.