Welcome To National Liberty Alliance And Our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY

Part IV - Just the Basics in American History

We could talk on and on about the website and the voluminous amount of information it contains that you can read, watch and research, but all of that will come in due time.  For now we will concentrate on information that we feel is important to get you a basic understanding of what is involved in taking back the judicial and political processes.  In PART V - The Law of the Land will familiarize you with navigating the site.  

We encourage you to jump right in and get your feet wet and see if this is an endeavor that you would like to support with your time and dollars. NLA is extremely proactive and has many projects on going.  All of these projects demand our involvement in order to project any level of success.  We therefore, appreciate any assistance you can provide after completing Foundation Study 1 and look forward to your participation.

The next part of your journey with us is the last part of our Foundational Study 1 – just the basics everyone needs to know in order to be knowledgeable and prepared to fulfill their civic duties and responsibilities.

The last part of the Foundational Study consists of a step by step crash course in American History and Common law. It is a concise and targeted study to teach you the basics of our American Heritage in a very short time period.  Like a building structure, you too will need to prepare a strong foundation on which to build. This course is intended to provide that foundation.  When completed you will know more on this subject matter than 95% of your peers and you will be prepared to take action in NLA and your community.

Fine-tuned, concise effort to free the mind - In Foundation Study 1 we are exposing you to the basics.  If you understand the foundational documents:  The Constitution and its capstone Bill of Rights, the Declaration of '76, and Common Law, you will have the basic knowledge and a foundation to build. 

You now have the foundation and the assistance and tools supplied by NLA to take back the political and judicial processes.  In PART V – Law Of The Land you only need to focus on the Constitution and its capstone Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and Common Law.  Don’t waste your time researching statutory law, codes, and color of law diversions as they will not apply when we return our judiciary to Courts of Record and Common Law.    

The difference between Common Law and the statutory law practiced in our courts today, is simply:  Common Law upholds the Constitution for the United States of America with its capstone Bill of Rights.  Statutory Law is held above the Constitution for the United States of America and its capstone Bill of Rights; therefore, your rights are whatever your elected servants may choose them to be. NLA is endeavoring to change the judicial process in our courts and thereby bring all our elected and appointed servants back under the chains of the Constitution. You are now under the chains of your servants, and that is the definition of tyranny.

We have a lawful plan and a lawful goal.  Our Plan is to reinstate the “Law of the Land” [Article VI clause 2] in our courts and government.  Our Goal is to save the Constitutional Republic that was entrusted to us by the founding fathers.  

In Foundation Study 2 we will discuss the intent and application of the phrases and words used in these documents and in Common Law. What we need are people with a desire to lend us a helping hand in this effort.

Consider a Career Change to Save the Nation - Not everyone is looking for a job or career change, but some will once they understand the problems the nation is facing and the positions (Grand Jury Administrators and Secretary) and the opportunity they will have in helping to bring justice to the American people.  We think you will find these positions exciting and rewarding as you will be involved in bringing justice back to the judicial process.  We will need a minimum of four Grand Jury Administrators and one Secretary for each of the 3133 Counties nationwide, or approximately 16,000 positions.  

You will be instrumental in correcting the errors of the past and bringing to justice those who have subverted the Constitution and as a result damaged and harmed all Americans.  To be considered for these positions there are certain prerequisites; you must have taken the responsibility to complete: 1) the Constitution Course that is covered in Part V, (2) the Civics Course, which will be covered in Foundation Study 2, (3) the Government by Consent Course, covered in FS2, and (4) the Administrator Course, which is incomplete at this time. 

Each applicant for the position of Common Law Grand Jury Administrator will be recommended on a first come first serve basis once they have completed the required courses.  These courses will prepare you for your new life in the wonderful world you will be creating for all those that follow…a world that is free from tyranny.

NOTE: These positions will only be available after we take back the judicial process and they will be discussed in Foundation Study 2.

The sooner you complete this study the sooner you can become involved in the various committees and become a productive member of our Alliance. 

Obtaining a clear vision of the mission is the task before us.

Thomas Jefferson stated that “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance”, but because we were not vigilant over the past 150+ years the enemies of liberty have destroyed the constitutional Republic we inherited.  Correcting that is not an overnight PROCESS. 

Since we have been programmed for instant gratification it is difficult for many to remain focused and on course.  As a result they fail to understand the time required to change the direction we have been headed the last 150 plus years.   As a result some lose interest and become inactive.  We must resist that urge.  Staying ACTIVE and focused will instill the patience to stay the course and obtain the knowledge you need to understand the time required to reach our goals and motivate others who interact with you. We believe that by obtaining this knowledge you will have the foundation and the vision to carry on in the quest to take back the Republic. 

I know no safe depository of the ultimate power of the society but the people themselves, and, if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”  Thomas Jefferson

To this end, NLA is educating the nation so that they may have the tools necessary to accomplish great things for America. We ask that you consider taking a bold step and becoming part of the Solution we propose for our nation and we welcome you into our family.

The Problem - The United States Constitution is the Law of the Land and one of the oldest and most powerful documents ever written.  It is a document that every American should know like the back of their hand. However, the Cabal’s infiltration of all levels of government, corporations and associations has successfully corrupted the Public School systems, and essentially eliminated teaching about the Constitution, Civics, and American history.  Why is that?  The Constitution isn’t even taught in our law schools.  

If it is not taught, it is not learned.  If it is not learned, it is not practiced.  If it is not practiced, an oath to abide in the protection of it and the People is a lie.  The oath of office a legislator takes then is an empty promise to abide in something he/she has no knowledge of… and that is called treason!

Sheriff Mack discusses the Oath of office here;    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4ygEk7lvvg

We the People need to take action and demand that these subjects be taught in our public schools.  Everyone in America should be required to have a basic understanding of Civics, the Constitution, and American History. 

The people have it in their power to disarm and defeat the enemy of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only understood these basic principles and took action.  We all need to read, study, and understand these subjects to be effective in our communities.

PART V - Law of the Land


@rutharcle's picture

NOTE: These positions will only be available after we take back the judicial process and they will be discussed in Foundation Study 2.