The Liberty Group Committee Director Max - 303-406-3659
To Join this committee call the Director above and print out > NLA Leadership Vow < and mail to the address provided. Thank You.
The purpose of the Affiliations Committee is to present the NLA solution to national and local liberty groups. We want to form a relationship with these organizations and leverage their talent and resources. This will expand the capability of NLA to reach our goal of reestablishing the Common Law Grand Jury in every county in America.
Affiliations Group goals:
- Establish a committee consisting of one person in every state. Each state member will schedule meetings with their local liberty groups
- Create a standard presentation, designed for the liberty groups, to ensure consistency with Common Law concepts and the NLA Plan
- Form a smaller, specialized, team to make contact with the larger national liberty groups and get a dialog going
Check out my comments, keep it rolling, add comments
Also go to the Common Law Grand Jury tab and start discussions, add comments.
Welcome! New Members!!
I believe education is the most effective means for people to understand the truth, I also believe if a great number of our members were to write letters to the editors all across the nation each month about the power of the Common Law Grand Jury, and they can get all the information they need from the National Liberty Alliance, we would educate multitudes on new member across the country each month.
Thanks Duane
I very much agree on the importance of educating people, on any given level.. It's something I ve been thinking for quite some time.
Add Donate Button
Every e-mail I get from groups has a donate button. Is it possible that NLA can add a donate button to every Monday Night, Media, CPS and other committee communications? Most of the communications I get are for $10 or more. It's usually optional but it's worth a try.