Missouri Attention We are behind in our duties and need to prepare and send out all the documents to the proper recipients .

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Jefferson-A.I.T-MO's picture
Missouri Attention We are behind in our duties and need to prepare and send out all the documents to the proper recipients .

We must get these sheriffs,judges,baliffs and prosecutors notified with the proper letters ASAP .Also anyone who is a current county organizer who is not active in the movement need to go ahead and remove yourself from that position and see if you can find someone who can replace you and talk with people in your surrounding counties if possible to fill empty county orgs positions because we only have people seated in 20 counties and we have 115 counties in the state.We need to also take a vote on the matter of sending the QUO Warranto'S OUT and how we are going to fund and expedite this process in a timely fashion anyone who has any good ideas can contact State coordinator kelly

mgarrett2's picture

what paperwork are we supposed to be sending and where can we find it? I am guessing the Quo Warranto, the election results for each county, and what else?

mkphillips's picture

We do NOT send out the election results yet. We have more quo's coming out and one will probably be addressed to the clerk. We do need to be getting the handwritten letters out to sheriffs.