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In order to understand the Book of Revelation we need to understand that Revelation is a prophetic book and therefore, are parables revealing the mysteries hidden in God’s Word as He reveals in, Prov 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Therefore, using the Bible as its own interpreter we need to study the parables as taught by Jesus and only then will we be able to understand the prophetic books of the Bible like Revelation. I believe that this study is proof positive that all the seals have been opened. And the contents of this study will be seen as self-evident, proven by the signature of the Holy Spirit.
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Counties Constituted |
3133 of 3133 |
Total Members | |
11681 |
Total Grand Jury Adminstrators | |
1267 |
Total County COS Organizers | |
197 |
Total State Coordinators | |
87 |
Total Committeemen | |
55 |
Total Militia Members | |
121 |
Total District Leaders | |
26 |
Total National Coordinators | |
12 |
There is currently 1 user online.
Terry Moore | ||
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John Darash | ||
John Darash | ||
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John Darash | ||
John Darash | ||
John Darash | ||
John Darash |
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Welcome new members of Arkansas
I would like to give you my email ,and phone number to call me when you are ready to help get Arkansas started getting set up.
870-437-5765 home
870-365-6194 cell
please call me any time you need some help.
Arkansas State Participants Updated June 30, 2015.
If you are new to National Liberty Alliance you need to Mark your calendars for EVERY MONDAY Night @ 8 PM CST to be on the Call to receive updated information from the Co-founders of NLA. This is the MOST important thing you can do upon signing up. Instructions are as follows:
Use this link
To register your phone no on the site, click on the Green Icon with the phone. Note that the call call in number is 605-562-3140.....and do a copy and save with your mouse of the Access Code 385698. When you click on the Green Icon a ledger will show up. Select the number with the last four digits 3140. Paste the Access Code in the second line and in the third line put your email address. Do this now, so that when it comes time for the call this information will already be in the computer. Then all you do is click on the Green Icon and hit Place this call. You may also listen to the call as an observer on the Internet. Just scroll past the Green Icon down the page and click on Shake and Wake broadcaster. That will open up another link. Scroll down the right side of the page for the right software on your computer which will enable you to listen to the Call. I use Real Player, while some may use Windows media. The first 5-10 min. is music to allow everyone to get logged on before the call begins.
Next thing you will need to do is to register for the Hyde Park, New York Meetup. Ask, if you don't know how to do so.
As of 6-17, I officially took over as State Coordinator
At that time there was a big push to get all 50 states Constituted. Three weeks later at the Perry County Library, on July 10, 2014, Bernie Major, Trent Rowe and I were successful in this endeavor, making Arkansas 25th in the nation to be Constituted. Arkansas is also the 25th State to enter the Union. How to constitute a state was discussed in the June 9, 2014 Monday Night Call at the 150 minute mark, if you are interested in the process used.
I just signed up to this sight. I was enlightened by the Mark Connors show about this sight and am so glad to see more is being done to take our Country and Constitution back. I will do what I can to wake up others as well. Thank you for being here.
Please call me so I can send you recent data of July 1st
I have no way of contacting you at this point. One of the Techi for NLA out of pocket and backlog is in overload.
Ron Flick State coordinator - Perry County Participant. RonFlick@mail.com ASAP Put in Subject line: New NLA Arkansas from Independence Co.
Thanks....and welcome aboard.
hello from st charles,MO
ladies & nation-men,
I promise to recruit a St Charles Jury but priority now is:
Man, wish I'd known then how easy the Rx was with the my knowledge now!
I feel relief knowing the truth, never felt better! Poor but a no- it-all
I just served them & state AG fees for trespass, etc.. and re-recorded land
rescind voter card and order assessor for detailed list then pay only the non-"noneducation" bonds, don't pay the interest!, and get off tax-roll.
Install outdoor webcams and send your trespasser your BULL!
I've failed so far to remove land from public record.
I'm going to negotiate sensitive under seal to keep it special-deposit.
brief history:
Sewr backed-up, it got shut-off no timely notice, enjoyed saving 65/m while lateral sewer work.
Code police mailed bogus complaint, no water service=condemnation of home and full inspection demand!
regardless of this order & timely service restoral then for 6m they stickerred door, 10 times, "condemned" until 3/2011 at midnight deputies found back door unlocked kidnapped me fingerprinted while NPD lady searched. Next day, shut off elec. until all work finished.
Forced into re-inspection, permits, hiring licensed trades, ordered me to stay out unless daytime; refused my request for specific code language written orders.
Five Gumit actors and all gave me different answers. Ought to jail the director for 2 days.
As repairing very minor violations and self installed radiant heat PEX heat/Cond.boiler and
still slowly boring backed-up sewer lateral. Nothing worked until I used a stiff guy wire and that did it. Saved 14K for dig because I used my head, so I could use my head. HAHA
then SHTF as I missed impossible deadline.
Got home abatement order, no ackowlegement to my claims of progress, was KN by armed very mean Deputies to prison all day while they (boarded/sealed) home. I just had to cry tears, handcuffed to bench in torture.
This made hiring trades near impossible, they hate Gumit too.
Finished work 2 months latter but they refused to inspect each 3 times because they demanded all interior surfaces cleaner, showroom condition but I'm a man who saves and uses everything?
Pissed off, back to law study and 1y latter I refuse to pay again for new inspection, sign a occupy license and labor for boards removal,
Tax-lien 2.5k bill titled "tall weeds/ rubbish/limbs(for nusence abatement/board-up)
More screws and bills again. Threats to buy demo permit/ repair or bulldose with my money, but HUD pays the bill anyway.
Director won't acknowledge work inspection refusals, he's brain-dead, a fiction of a man.
Read he just got his licker license leaves work early, arrives AM hung over.
He was fired 10y ago same job, next town west, for not co-operating with the big guys.
Can't wait to fry his puckering ass in-front of jury. I bet he's good at stone-facing.
My gut just says there not expecting this, even though my during 1st 10 minutes scolding him I noticed a "tell" as i struck his nerves.
I'm suing federally because state Ct. must b as corrupted. Good idea?
my 1st arrest was over 2.5 years ago but with continuances, 3 missed hearings i broke down 10/2012 and plead guily being the good creditor. Because I proved innocence they went silent, and now beleave I should have demanded my appearance bond money and bailment and hit the gavel adjorned and bailed out of that floating cemetery of dead.
5,mail fraud, 10 arrest, 5days, search, 25 trespass, property damage,pain duress, 2y full time
law research, deprived of home/earnings.
mental torture from parents.
Will the 2y statute of limitations from 1st action tolling be delayed, evidence exclusions cause of warrantless search and impeach all action up till now?
3 final inspections refused should default into accord & satisfaction, right?
false arrest, unclean hands, conspiracy with 3 utilities, upon hearsay imprisonment, 5 different rights violations.
I one one claim of harm letter, and many phone demands for variance, total ignorant lies, refusals.
I tried the humble forgiveness attitude, that may have really backfired and could be construed as consent?
I finally got some satisfaction, the man lost face & temper as I humbly forgave him for all his colorfull acts of wrongdoing with his peers & mach. recording my brief but devastating testimony.
With 3+ years of re-educ. Btween the ears, I feel really confident at winning .5M or more.
These traitors can't intimidate one anymore.
Anyone interested in proofing my papers and little phone support?
I can donate a little now and more later for a next friend at st louis, @ the biggest US Court building. en Banc.
Can I motion for protection order for home & I with waiver for elec. restoral before serving Cty Gument and sheriff?
have evidence and good neighbor witnesses.
praise Yah,
dave george
laser.rod@att.net 314-768-0630
state to federal court
Can anyone send me a sample of a recind motion and what needs to be dome to go to federal court from state court
Signature Sheed
The new Signature sheet is easier for me to present to We The People.
Potential new members are out there, but not in NLA....why?
People wonder why it is so hard to do what needs to be done in NLA to educate ourselves, to join a committee and get involved, to take the initiative, to lead, to be a self starter, to enroll in the Civics class, to recruit others, to spend time on the website watching the videos - reading the documents - listening to the audios, to attend the Monday Night Call and the District call, to go to other patriot meetings - hand out flyers and tell others about NLA and what we are doing, to post on facebook, to text to tweet, to -- WAKE UP from our stupor.......to get excited all over again with NLA.
It is not your fault. Is that what you want to hear? Actually the technology is old - almost 85 years old to be exact. Science and Chemistry holds many wonders - some good, some not so good, some downright terrible in the wrong hands. America has been on the downward slope for a long time. During the Viet Nam war we reached the top of the Roller coaster of Communist aggression. Since then we have been picking up speed. For the past 52 years the brakes have been off and we are heading for the gate now. Watch and learn what to avoid so that we can do all of the above things we know in our heart of hearts we should be doing, but are not doing. Here is wisdom. Don't let it be lost like Scalia's 1992 ruling on U.S. v Williams. We don't have 20 years or 20 months or 20 weeks! It is 5 seconds to midnight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1951&v=rVWQMG4SHzE
Listen to what this man has to tell us. Eustace Mullins has the answer as to why we act the way we do. It is all part of the plan; and it IS NOT God's Plan either. It is tools in the wrong hands doing dastardly deeds. Please forward to all of the members in your committees and your state. Thank you.
Ron Flick - DC12