motion on appeal, motion submitted to supreme and superior court in January

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motion on appeal, motion submitted to supreme and superior court in January
there is more to this motion i will complete. the motion was set on the calender in an arguable motion two times in February in Litchfield Superior Court on the home foreclosure docket. I was not allowed to argue, despite exhaustive preparation, in typical fashion, my motion was denied and I immediately started the appeal. I have to prepare briefs and they want the docketing statement and preliminary statement of issues separated into the two Appellate docket numbers they assigned. I am preparing a motion on many grounds that my one motion asks for one probable cause hearing to present evidence of massive government corruption. one motion= one hearing=one docketing statement and preliminary statement of issues, all of the crooked players are the same. I will copy and paste the docketing statement.

mbag1's picture

Dear John and NLA,
I would like an analysis of my motion as it appears the language I used mentioning Common Law Grand Juries suddenly upset one or more of my CT fellow Patriots and used as a reason to eliminate my capacity to serve as Litchfield County Coordinator. I am also asking for National leadership to problem solve this and restore me to my position as it was stolen without just cause or practicing any of God's laws that I know of. This motion has been on my face book page since January, I am not sure why CT Liberty Alliance suddenly became interested in reading it, then using it as 'evidence' against me as reason to oust me. I demand that my personal information on my NLA web site be restored and who has the administrative oversite that allowed for my page to be tampered with and altered and by whom. I get that my name was removed as County Coordinator, all be it unjustly, but what was done to my personal information page is more intended salt in the wound. It is beyond disgraceful this was done to me and it has done great damage to future volunteers in my humble opinion. John, no one in National or CT Liberty alliance has the authority to have removed me, if you are soliciting volunteers and can dismiss and slander them such as this, discrediting and humiliating me without cause, you better have a do's and don't list and written grounds for termination and steps to achieve such a horrendous goal. There is room for EVERYONE on the Litchfield County Grand Jury, without prejudice. No matter what role I play, I am everyone's equal and you are all mine. That is the principles of common law that must be followed and participated to advance our mission. I want to hear feed back from you, Please.

mbag1's picture

who has admin power to have accessed my personal page and delete my photo and introduction and phone number and why in God's name were they erased. I understand until The conflict is resolved my name being removed as Litchfield County Coordinator, despite my innocence for such a drastic step to have been taken- if there was a problem, that should be the LAST resort, not the first!!! Why is the accounts protected with a password if any admin can change and delete. who did this and why. if it was not intentional by NLA admin it would have been restored, this is a conflict that must find a remedy, John and NLA!