Welcome, this study is designed to be interesting, easy to understand, and presented in a way that will be exciting and educational for everyone from a ten-year-old to an adult. All ages will benefit and obtain information that they either never received because of a defunct education system, or had forgotten. Everyone will benefit by having an action plan to take back our Republic.
America is a great nation with an extraordinary past. America’s founding principles—in addition to the stories of her trials, tribulations and triumphs in pursuit of them—have helped to unite Americans for nearly 250 years.
However, there is a growing movement to undermine these principles and fundamentally transform America. Its goal is to destroy the history of this country and all memories of the past by removing and destroying monuments, re-writing history, and dividing Americans into identity groups that will sever our patriotic attachments to our country and its founding principles. Today we are watching our freedoms erode in every facet of our lives, from our health choices, to our children’s schooling, to our food and eco-systems. We are truly living in unprecedented times, and there is an urgent need for us to come together and strengthen our communities with inspired action.
People today are looking for heightened commitment, information, compassionate engagement, and actionable processes. We want to awaken uncensored awareness of the most critical local and global issues that we face today. Your community needs you.
One of the best ways to counter this movement—and preserve free government—is to study the true meaning and history of America, its founding principles, and its heritage. That is the goal of the Foundational Study, it’s a roadmap and action plan that will take you from where you are in your Constitutional understanding to the destination of having a understanding of your heritage, your history, the Founding documents, and how the founders designed the government to work so it would be a servant government of the People, by the People, and for the People.
You will also learn why America was an experiment that demanded a high standard of education and integrity to hold it together. It is an exceptional nation because it is founded on exceptional principles and those principles have been enshrined in the founding documents. This is the America we are fighting to restore. If those documents are destroyed, America’s foundation is lost. If the foundation is lost, America will crumble under the weight of tyranny.
You will learn that the founders paid with great sacrifice for our liberty and freedom; pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor knowing that if they were not successful they would face a hangman’s noose.
Most people in the media and on the Internet talk about all the problems our nation faces and all the mistakes that were made but none are offering any rational solutions. We examine some serious problems our nation is facing in this study but we also offer the SOLUTION and the tools that are required to solve those problems – no one else is offering this. By the time your journey ends, you can use what you learned and be effective in your community or in NLA. You will be prepared to assist in restoring the Republic and reclaiming the Constitution.
This study is not just about learning, but about taking what you have learned and putting it to action immediately. When putting in action the things you have learned it will not only benefit you but also your children, grandchildren, and future generations. You will never have to worry about being asked the questions, “Why didn’t you do something when you had the opportunity to do so?” or “What did you do to help save our country”? You now have the SOLUTION.
We must revive the knowledge of our nation’s history, its founding and our heritage. We need a “Revolution of the Mind.” We need to stop thinking that the federal government will solve our problems. We must not let the light of freedom go out because if it does, there will be darkness across the world. As Ronald Reagan stated “If we lose freedom here there is no place to escape. This is the last stand on earth.” We must keep our God-given Rights at the center of our quest to secure freedom for all Americans and as Donald Trump stated “When this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow. That’s the importance of this country.” This is the nation we are fighting for and this is the nation you will discover in this study.
We must heed the warnings decried in our history and make every effort to pass the gift of Liberty to future generations. We feel that most people are now reaching the end of their tolerance and we believe that once they complete this study they will have enough understanding and knowledge to stand up and say “I am not going to take it anymore,” and will follow the step by step method (the SOLUTION) to restore the Republic and reclaim our Constitution.
We must keep a “laser focus” on what is important and set different priorities for our lives. To be successful we need to understand that for years we have been in a constant struggle to advance the boundaries of liberty while pushing back the tyranny of the evil ones. Today, apathy, corruption, greed, deceit, and immorality threaten to overwhelm the safety bulwark set up by the founders. It will take courageous and tireless efforts to return this nation to balance and you will need a strong sense of something greater than yourself to achieve this. We have the liberating truth on our side, but we need people with open eyes willing to see and act on it.
In this study you will learn that all the power and the responsibility lie are in your hands. You will learn why “draining the swamp” can’t be left to someone else to do - indeed, it cannot be done without you doing your part. If America falls it will never be replaced. People need to pay close attention to what they are doing with their time, talent, and money. You need to turn off the TV and smart-phones and get involved in your community by joining or starting a “Committee of Safety.” This is what you must do if you want to be free and independent. It’s time to wake up and focus on the long-term goals of what needs to be done to preserve freedom of speech, family values, Christian traditions, and our economic security for ourselves and our posterity.
The Constitution will be restored and power will be returned to We the People and the rule of law will be returned to our great land. Will we be responsible enough to take a stand by getting involved in the Plan to take back the Republic and help defend and preserve what we were given? If so you must get involved and help us complete the task NOW! We need everyone and everyone can do something!
This Study is not a speed test but rather an action plan, so take your time, and concentrate on what you read or view. You will gain the knowledge to assist in the fight for our freedom and the sovereignty of our nation. We hope you enjoy your journey through this eye-opening study.
This study is given through a series of videos, there will be no questions at the end of each video the purpose of this study is a pre requisite for NLA’s courses that follows. It’s time to wake up and take back control of our lives and our future.
There is a truth that simply states, “Reality is what one perceives it to be.” If one can control the narrative, implement outcome-based education, and control the news and entertainment in order to support that narrative then they can control your reality. And that is exactly what has been happening since the age of radio, movies and television. We have become the “child of [tele]vision,” being conditioned on what to think and believe, via the “mass media” a/k/a “mass hypnosis.” And today with social media and “smart-phones,” that dumb us down, we are living more in the “Land of Oz” than ever.
“News Flash” - Reality is not what the majority believes it to be. People are living in a fiction and only the truth can set us free. The nature of truth is that “Truth is Self-evident,” it’s consistent, and when heard it’s obvious and it breaks the spell, so that we can rise above the fiction!
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Foundation Study Part 1
The Signers of The Declaration Of Independence
America’s constant enemy was identified, first by the English separatist [Pilgrims] who fled that nation and eventually landed at Plymouth Rock December 18, 1620, 400 years ago. Again in 1775 Patrick Henry called them out by name for who they were, and Thomas Paine let the whole world know them by name in his ground shaking best seller “Common Sense,” published January 10, 1776. On August 2, of that same year, a formal document that had been penned into existence by Thomas Jefferson declaring to England and the world at large total separation from this tyrannical regime was signed into law. The Declaration of ‘76 forever closed the door for men and women to be ruled by kings and queens, tyrants, dictators, emperors, pharaohs, popes, despots, monarchs, princes, barons, czars, fuehrers, witch-doctors, warlord, kingpins and other antichrist self-appointed deities seeking worship of them and not the Creator God from whom all man’s blessings flow. This announcement by Mr. Harvey, identifies the courage of the men who STOOD before God Almighty and made a pledge with their signature upon a parchment that still exists today and has stood the test of time for more than 245 years. We are a Blessed people because of their courage and the soundness of their beliefs.
King George III had denounced all rebels in America as traitors. Punishment for treason was hanging. The names of the 56 signers was kept secret for 6 months after the August 2 signing for each knew the full meaning of that magnificent last paragraph in which his signature pledged his life, his fortunes and his sacred honor. Fifty-six men placed their names beneath that pledge. They knew when they signed that they were risking everything. They knew if they won this fight, the best they could expect was years of hardship in a struggling nation. And if they lost they’d face the hangman’s rope. But they signed the pledge.
Here we stand in the 2021 year of our Lord, 210 years removed from a battle against the same anti-Christian attacks on Liberty. The patriots have the same decision to make that the 56 men of courage faced in their time; to STAND or succumb to tyranny.
v Will you fulfill your pledge?
v What will you sacrifice to secure your liberty?
v What price are you willing to pay?
Carefully consider these questions as you make your decision because someday your children and grandchildren may ask “What did you do to save the nation when you had the opportunity”? or “Why didn’t you do something to save our Nation?”
As you go through this Foundational Study PLEASE take the time to absorb the text and what is being presented in these videos. For example, the video below will forever change your thoughts and understanding of what our great flag means to patriots, and it is only by watching the entire video that you will gain that understanding. This is true for everything in this course.
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Foundation Study Part 2
“The Star Spangled Banner as You’ve Never Heard It”
[embed] <iframe class=“rumble” width=“640” height="360” src=" frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe> [/embed]As you can see, the gift of Liberty and Freedom was purchased for us with great sacrifice and at a great price. The men and women at our founding understood that Liberty is a gift from God and that all God’s gifts are worth our effort.
John Adams, in a letter to his wife Abigail, in 1777, reminds us of the charge we have to ensure that the gift of Liberty is not squandered writing,
“Posterity you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”
We must heed the warnings of history and make every effort to pass on the gift of Liberty to future generations. We cannot do that if we lose our history. Too often history is revised in ways that demean America’s founders and undermine America’s foundation. By allowing lies to be taught to our children and grandchildren, we dishonor those who gave so much and our Liberty is put in peril.
In this study we are not trying to give the founders some divine status or even attribute to them a level of perfection that they did not have. John Adams himself had some serious lapses in judgment when it came to honoring his oath. We must understand that our nation was not founded upon people, but upon principles. The people that gave us our exceptional American principles were flawed vessels just like you and I. However, the amazing part of this history is that those flawed men understood that the foundation of an enduring nation must be Liberty and that Liberty is only maintained by a society founded in a shared morality.
At the same time, Liberty cannot survive with moral law alone. Moral law not mingled with freedom is theocracy. Theocracy in the hands of men is tyranny in the name of religion. Our founders attempted to give us the balance and secure the blessings of Liberty for us in our founding documents. When we abandon our founding documents and disregard our moral foundations as we are doing today, Liberty is put in peril.
Thomas Jefferson warned,
“Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of people that these liberties are a gift from God?”
Ben Franklin cautioned America’s founders during the Constitutional Convention saying,
“In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection…All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor…have we forgotten the powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance...God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”
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Foundation Study Part 3
Give Me Liberty
This is a great speech worth committing to memory in order to seal forever in our minds the dictates of tyrants, warlords, kingpins and other savory characters so that we can easily identify their markings upon those they seek to control.
“Our petitions have been slighted,” Henry said, “our remonstrance have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!” The war is actually begun!” Henry cried. “The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? The war is actually begun!” Henry cried. “The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Slavery in America was a lucrative British economic commodity of trade where Negro men and women were sold like cattle on the open market in colonial America. English laws prohibited the ownership of slaves so they used their colonies in America and elsewhere in the world to coerce this abomination upon mankind because these self-appointed dictators, calling themselves Christians when there was little evidence of this declaration, nevertheless had the clout to enslave free men with impunity. It should be noted that a serf under the privileged state of a king is not that far removed from the classless state of a slave. Both are subject to the whims of the monarch in charge. The American colonists were serfs; some of which owned slaves.
Both Thomas Jefferson and his friend and colleague Thomas Paine were against slavery and attempted to insert a clause in the Declaration of “76 to end this abomination, however, they were met with resistance from the other delegates. These delegates would not condemn this abomination with words on parchment to decry this tyranny over Liberty.
When they wrote the Constitution some fifteen years later the slavery issue arose again and was defeated once again, much to Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s protest. The English colonists, themselves serfs to the Crown, had grown up with this generational human tragedy that influenced even learned men of the time from seeing the truth.
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Foundation Study Part 4
Thomas Jefferson referred to the English King and his enslavement of men and women as abdominal commerce to populate their colonies. The colonist, born into a system of English profited enslavement of men there were those who sided with the ghastly and cruel behavior and fought to bar the Constitution from freeing these poor people. Like many of his contemporaries in Virginia, Jefferson held benevolent views of his father’s slaves which he inherited at age eleven upon his father’s death, feeling responsible for their welfare while doubting their ability to succeed in a free white world. Jefferson had strong scruples against selling his slaves, saying: “while freeing persons whose habits have been born in slavery is like abandoning children.”
Jefferson writes: “It was found that the public mind would not yet bear the proposition…yet the day is not distant when it must bear and adopt it, or worse will follow. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate that these people are to be freed.” Although the Declaration was considered flawed because of a lack of declaring all men Free including the Negro slaves imported and born on American soil, the founders sought, by gradual legislation to amend this document from its inception. Jefferson’s 1787 Northwest Ordinance banning slavery from the vast Northwest Territory was only second in importance to his Declaration of ‘ 76 in movement in that direction. The Monroe Compromise of 1820 restricted slave trade. In 1800 it was declared unlawful for American Citizens from trading in slaves from foreign countries such as Africa and Brazil.
Jefferson and James Madison championed Republicanism which is rule by law not by men. Jefferson had no plans for a two party system of government. He also began with a strong commitment to limited government and a strict construction of the Constitution. All these commitments were soon to be tested by the exigencies of war, diplomacy and political contingency.
Patrick Henry said “Three million people, armed in the holy cause of Liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.”
Our founders had a strong sense of something greater that themselves. Thomas Jefferson reminds us of that, “We are not in a world ungoverned by the laws and the power of a Superior Agent. Our efforts are in His hand and directed by it; and He will give them their effect in His own time.”
Yet when man begins to amass almost god-like, unchecked power, all sense of moral restraint is tossed aside. When such men have control over the mechanisms that shape society, namely government and its institutions, tyranny is the natural result. Our nation has been in a constant struggle to evermore expand the boundaries of Liberty while pushing back the tyranny of the power-hungry and the amoral. The battle rages still. Today the rising tides of apathy, corruption, greed, deceit, and gross immorality threaten to overwhelm the bulwarks erected by our founders. It will take courageous and tireless effort to return this nation to balance.
It has been because of the principles of freedom and morality that America, with all of its imperfections, has been the haven of rest when tyrants oppress their own. She has been the vineyard of innovation and opportunity. This is the nation that opens its arms to the tired, to the poor, to the oppressed, to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. No other nation can claim this legacy; no other people have this birthright. This is the shining city upon a hill, and if we let the light go out, there will be darkness for generations around the world. We must revive the knowledge of our nation’s history and of its foundations, that have been lost in antiquity.
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Foundation Study Part 5
We Need A Revolution of the Mind
We need to learn anew that we have an exceptional nation where “all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;” a nation birthed by the principle that the power of the government is to be held by the People and not where the government holds power over the People; a nation that believes the principle that says all are free to worship according to the dictates of their own consciences, and all are equally free. We are a nation that has prospered based on the principle that ideas and hard work open the door to prosperity regardless of bloodline, skin color, or social status; a nation that has remained free because the People maintain the right to defend self, property, and Liberty. This is the nation we are fighting for, an exceptional nation founded on exceptional principles. Those principles have been enshrined in our founding documents. If those documents are destroyed, the foundation is lost. If the foundation is lost, the whole structure crumbles under the weight of unbridled tyranny.
May your journey be FOCUSED in both MIND and BODY to have the persistence and determination to continue until we solve the problems that lay before us.
In the words of Daniel Webster,
“Is our Constitution worth preserving? Guard it as you would guard the seat of your life, guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against the spirit of change…Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in six thousand years, cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once destroyed, would have a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with evolution and tumult, riot, and despotism.”
So, in these difficult times, let us keep a “laser focus” on what is important. In this day it is popular to denigrate America for every little flaw. Why not take back a bit of American Exceptionalism? Why not embrace what makes us different from every other nation on the planet? America is an exceptional nation because we are built on exceptional principles that were enshrined in our founding documents – principles of Liberty, Freedom, Morality, and Equality as derived from our Creator. And these principles are STILL WORTH FIGHTING FOR.
The United States of America is the second greatest free country to ever exist! (Israel in 1600BC was the first). It is the only nation which inculcated the precepts of the Bible and Christianity into one great political experiment. Speaking of this, the famed French philosopher Alexis De Tocqueville 1805-1859 wrote,
“On my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.” He also said,”The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other. The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.“
Put aside the Progressive’s/Communist’s lie of SEPARATION OF CHURCH and STATE. Give this divisive thinking on their part no quarter, lest your understanding may be corrupted in the journey that lies ahead as you undertake this Foundational Study to revive a history and a heritage their ilk has gone to great lengths to hide from We the People for over 176 years. This journey will render great knowledge and hope for the future of mankind. The Goal before us is to return America to its foundations as a Republic. This is the Great Awakening. View a simple lesson from an unlikely place below.
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Foundation Study Part 6
Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom
Although Clay Christensen refers and expounds on democracy, we are not a democracy and the Constitution doesn’t include this word in its context. We are a “Natural Law Republic” but the other principles in this video apply.
Our American heritage is a rich one. It is incumbent upon every American to read and know our history if we are to appreciate and preserve the Liberty which was so dearly purchased by our founding fathers.
Unfortunately, our public educational institutions, which are dominated by liberals and leftists, do not want our posterity to know their history. Much of the material contained in this study in the past was readily available in the elementary grades of our nation’s schools. The “Farewell Address” of President George Washington, for example, was a required reading in most schools until about six decades ago. Alas, it is no more! Our great heritage is hidden from young and old alike. Multiculturalism and liberalism have completely rewritten and unwritten the great deeds and documents of our forefathers. If there is any mention of our heritage, it is usually clouded in negativity and skepticism.
Noticeably absent is the Godly faith of the patriots. The antichrist movement of the 20th and 21st century communists has chiseled away at any and all references to God; and prayer in the public schools has been disallowed. NO hand was raised high enough to protest loud enough and declare: I DO NOT CONSENT. Yes, the written and spoken words of our long ago patriots are filled with references to God and the Scriptures and their reverence for them. But over the last two or three generations, our children have seen those Godly traditions eliminated from the education curriculum by traitors of the Republic.
The Difference between a Republic and a Democracy
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Foundation Study Part 7
The Philosophy of Early Education
“When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness”- Alexis De Tocqueville
This study is offered with the hope and prayer that you will once again discover your Rights, and our country’s great history and heritage. You now have in this study, the great documents that testify to our faith and freedom. But, as Benjamin Franklin said, ”Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” We must do more than read our history, we must preserve our future! If America is to remain strong and free, we must demonstrate the same attributes of courage and conviction which gripped our forefathers. To that end this study is dedicated.
We are committed to showing you the truth in a world consumed by lies. Everyone has the same opportunity, and what we do with that opportunity is up to us. The unalienable Right to “the pursuit of happiness” was laid at our feet when the Declaration of Independence was fully ratified and signed into law August 2, 1776.
As the philosopher George Santayana once said,
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Thankfully a roadmap to our lost heritage still exists; it is preserved in 180 tons of solid granite for future generations to enjoy and appreciate. An inscription upon this monument states,
“National Monument to the Forefathers. Erected by a grateful people in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty.”
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Foundation Study Part 8
The Pilgrims Formula To Save America
The Forefathers’ Monument
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Foundation Study Part 9
Lend Me Your Ear
Saving America in a Nut Shell
In the video “Saving America in a nut Shell” at the time of the recording we had 6000 members but today when creating this study we have 10,000 members.
The Mission of National Liberty Alliance (NLA) is to restore the American people to their rightful position as the master of our government servants through knowledge. This knowledge will enable us to take back the Political and Judicial powers and processes, restore the Republic, and reclaim the Constitution.
The people have it in their power to defeat the enemies of Liberty, both foreign and domestic, by reinstating Common Law throughout America. If Americans understand their authority over their government servants, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, freedom can be safeguarded through Common Law.
The purpose of NLA is to facilitate an education, provide for grassroots’ organization and communication, and thereby build a National Alliance for Liberty capable of bringing government back under the Consent of We the People.
Watch the video below for information on the pivotal event that happened in 1871, that has created a domino effect of events that has led us to this point in time.
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Foundation Study Part 10
Filling the Void that will be left by the Deep State
In order to successfully apply the Political and Judicial processes we must have a sense of justice and mercy which is synonymous with virtue. And to gain virtue, we need to have a relationship with our Creator. If everyone exercised these processes, America could shake off the chains of tyranny, reinstate our republic, and bring down the NWO “literally overnight.” This is the only way we can save the nation.
NLA is Non-Partisan - A partisan person is “one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party positions.” Therefore, a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution. George Washington warned us against political parties; he said, “They only succeed in pitting one group against another.”
The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional crisis. For it to be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of our constitutional republic. The genius of the progressive (communist) movement is their exploitation of partisan politics, which they created, to subvert our constitution and divide the people. Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous. Their primary objective is to reinstate the constitution; to be partisan would be counterproductive.
To Understand NLA’s Vision is to Know That The ”PROCESSES” Are The Key to Restoring The Republic and Reclaiming the Constitution. We the People can take control of the Political process of selecting and electing our representatives and maintaining their obedience through exercising the power of the “Free and Independent Committeeman” via “County Committees of Safety.”
We the People can take control of the Judicial Process by educating Grand Jury Administrators, understanding jurisdiction, establishing Common Law Courts, opening a Court of Record and exercising the people’s authority.
This study is centered on learning, understanding, controlling, and putting into practice the Political and Judicial Processes, in our communities, townships, and counties. By implementing these two processes we can effectively create a positive change on the local level. When these efforts are duplicated in every state and are combined with efforts applied at the federal level, we can take back both processes. When we are successful, and we will be, our government will become smaller, more responsive, and we can restore the Republic.
The public education system has failed to educate us and our children on American history, civic duties and citizenship responsibilities. As a result, we are woefully unprepared for dealing with our own government. A proper education on American History, Civics, Constitution, and the duties and responsibilities of all people must be provided to our children. Once We the People take back control of our courts under Common Law, NLA will lead a nationwide campaign to provide a suitable curriculum for all grade and high schools and move Congress to require all educational institutions to comply.
Since Education is a vital part of the process, The Foundational Study will provide a background on the individuals, events and documents that formed our Republic. As you proceed with the Foundational Study, you must ask yourself the same questions the founders asked themselves: “Is fighting for liberty and freedom for yourself and others worthy of your time?” And, “Are you willing to pay the price and set aside the time required to take back these processes for yourself, your family and your posterity?” If not you, who?
Throughout this Foundational Study we need to remember that “Only the people can save America!” and that’s you and that’s me! We have been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems, but at some point, maybe we will wake up and recognize that it was the politicians who created our problems. We cannot expect politicians and our public servants to fix the problems facing America because they are the ones who created the problems. Neither “We the People” nor our servants have a proper understanding of the Constitution and Common Law, and that is why education is a vital part of the process. Liberty must grow locally. Always keep in mind that People in countries around the world are closely watching what we are doing in America to restore the Republic and reclaim the Constitution, because they too are seeking liberty, freedom, and honest government, and are looking to America as the “Guiding Light.”
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects
what never was and never will be.” - Thomas Jefferson
We The People must recognize that we can’t fix Washington until we fix ourselves and our local governments. We need to educate ourselves because as Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem on the same level it was created.” We must take action, concentrate on a few basics, and perform our civic duty and responsibility to our Nation.
NLA is an alliance and works in conjunction with coalition partners and our power, influence and recognition comes from working together as a national alliance. NLA and our coalition partners have all the information and tools to “Make America Great Again.” If we follow the example of our Founding Fathers and get involved, study the information, and put it to use, then we too will inspire each other to get the job done just as they did.
“Compare yourself not with others around you, but with yourself.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
To accomplish this, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zone. We cannot assume someone else is more qualified nor can we allow fear to keep us from getting involved. We must be willing to fail or we may never take the first step. We have been conditioned not to take the first step, not to get involved, to just get along, and think our government servants will take care of us and make the right decisions because that is what we pay them to do. WRONG!
NLA Founding
Thomas Jefferson said only an enlightened people are the safe depository of power for the proper functioning of a Republic and that the whole mass should be educated and informed because they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Jefferson is one of National Liberty Alliance’s favorite mentors and therefore the purpose of NLA is to educate, organize, and empower “The People” at the grass roots level so that “The People”, not NLA and certainly not me, can save America, although I am one of those People. There is no short cut, there is no other way, regardless of what anyone says.
We have been researching the political and judicial realms since the spring of 2008, and NLA is the fruit of that labor founded in the late Spring of 2013. We started off with the name New York Committeemen, and then changed it to National Liberty Alliance when the people of other states drafted us into this movement. We had no intentions of going national, it was our hope to be successful in NY and other people in other states might follow our lead.
Jefferson founded the University of Virginia, which he established in 1819 as a secular institution after he left the presidency he believed that libraries and books were so integral to individual and institutional education that he designed the university around its library.
NLA was inspired by Jefferson’s endeavor and has done its best to bring a well rounded balanced self-educating web site and our Mission Statement makes clear our intentions. We are not aware of another website like ours.
We offer:
- American History lectures
- Constitution classes
- Bible studies
- Common Law lectures
- We have the 5000 year leap and Lysander Spooner's “Trial by Jury” on audio and pdf.
- We have links to scores of Law Libraries
- We have all the founding Documents
- Biographies
- Roberts Rules and much more;
- We have all the Great Works - Jefferson’s beloved classical education
- We, have the complete “Road to the Continental Congress 2009 in video
- We have most if not all of G. Edward Griffin’s documentaries;
- We have extensive research on money, survival, poisons, health issues, JFK, and more;
- We found no course on how to access our courts so we wrote our own and give it away for free;
- We have posted many of our own cases among them two land mark cases that we argued.;
- We have written many papers to educate and guide people such as: State plan, National plan, Administrators Duties, Extraordinary Remedies, Grand Jury enforcement, Grand Jury Handbook, We the People -v- the 14th Amendment, Without an unfettered jury there can be no Liberty, to name a few.
- We provide lists of State Coordinators and County Organizers with phone numbers so that people can work together in their endeavor for justice.
- We provide national and state forums, message boards and calendars.
- We are on Blog Talk Radio every Monday night where we discuss all the aforementioned things. In our first hour we give updates and endeavor to teach something new. And our 2nd and 3rd hour is an open forum where we answer any question no matter how difficult we put it all out there, we have nothing to hide. If “na-sayers” have something to say we listen and respond. We treat everyone with respect, even those who don’t deserve it
We have a foundation built by “God,” that we express daily in “His” words - HONOR, JUSTICE, & MERCY. We wrote a Jurist Oath and Constitution and we wrote a Declaration with authorities that we are filing in every county records department and every common law court upon every constituted jury administration, for the education of the people and a memorial for the unalienable rights of the People.
NLA steadfastly believes “True Liberty requires a spiritually mature People to be free and independent”, and we pray that, that is what we are building up. The only place NLA is leading people is back to God and their heritage, and I pray unceasingly that we by his mercy be found worthy of his blessings of Liberty again, and if not, “so help us God”.
In conclusion I would like to thank Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin for leading us down the path of Justice and Liberty. And most of all I would like to thank the Lord for the insight he has given me without which I would have been too blind to see.
John Darash, Founding Member
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Foundation Study Part 11
Quo Warranto
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Foundation Study Part 12
The Most Important History Lesson Never Taught
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Foundation Study Part 13
Power of the Grand Jury
Thomas Jefferson said, “Only an enlightened people are the safe depositary of power for the proper functioning of a republic and that the whole mass should be educated and informed because they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
Thomas Jefferson also said, “If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be…If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.”
Justice Antonin Scalia in a stunning 6 to 3 decision in US v Williams, writing for the majority, stated that “the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive, nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.”
The Grand Jury has the power to write true bills of indictment, presentment, or information and file them in Article III and other Constitutional courts. The Grand Jury even has the power to investigate SUSPECTED crimes. Any citizen can approach the Grand Jury with a complaint. There should be no barrier from the prosecutor or judge between the People and the Grand Jury.
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Foundation Study Part 14
One Nation under God David Barton
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Foundation Study Part 15
The 4 TRAPS of False History David Barton
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Foundation Study Part 16
The Moment of Reckoning
Devolution [NOUN] - The transfer or delegation of power to a lower level
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Foundation Study Part 17
Qs Plan To Save The World
BOOM! Everything Old is 'Q' Again
Q, The Great Awakening of “We the People”
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Foundation Study Part 18
The US Capitol tour with David Barton
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Foundation Study Part 19
Government Explained
The following video explains why we lost our liberty about a few of the government functions that violated the Constitution that we were not aware of that affected how our government works.
Why We’re Losing Liberty
Don’t waste your time researching statutory law, codes and color of law diversions as they will not apply when we return our judiciary to Courts of Record and Common Law. The difference between Common Law and the statutory law practiced in our courts today is simple: Common Law upholds the Constitution for the United States of America and the Bill of Rights. Statutory law is held above the Constitution for the United States of America and its Bill of Rights; therefore, your rights are whatever your elected servants may choose them to be. NLA is endeavoring to change the judicial process in our courts and thereby bring all our elected and appointed servants back under the chains of the Constitution. You are now under the chains of your servants, and that is the definition of tyranny.
We the People need to take action and demand that these subjects be taught in our public schools. Everyone in America should be required to have a basic understanding of our Founding Documents, Civics, the Constitution, and American History.
The people have it in their power to disarm and defeat the enemies of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only understood these basic principles and took action. We all need to read, study, and understand these subjects to be effective in our communities.
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Foundation Study Part 20
Truth About Grand Juries
1215 AD Magna Carta – First recording of the Grand Jury (25 sovereigns) arising out of the sovereign to return sovereignty to the People. The thirteenth century judge, Henry de Bracton reminded his countrymen of the Common Law’s biblical ideals: “applying it to the particular dispute before the court “… English justice advanced cautiously. And: Even . . . Magna Carta did not … attempt to proclaim any broad general principles . . . because both sovereign and subject were in practice bound by the Common Law, and the liberties of Englishmen rested not on any enactment of the State, but on immemorial slow growing custom declared by juries of free men who gave their verdicts case by case in open court. The King himself … ought … to be under the law, because the law made the King … That … [the King] ought to be under the law is clearly shown by the example of Jesus Christ … [who] used, not force of His power, but the counsel of His Justice … that He might redeem those who were under the Law.”
De Bracton affirms three Common Law fundamentals. “First, the king is under the law, as are all men; second, the Creator, not the king, is the source of law; third, the Common Law, following the example of our God’s Word, distinguishes between power, which is raw force, and counsel, which is persuasion. A Common Law Court of Record traditionally delivers an opinion accompanied by reasons fashioned to persuade.’”
Basics of American History
John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
George Washington said, ”Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.”
Benjamin Franklin said, ”only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not by religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
When you read what three of America’s Founding Fathers said about morality, religion, and virtue you may wonder why so much talk about these things when none of these appear relevant in today’s America.
The simple answer is America was founded on virtue, morality, honor, justice, and religion. While religious persecution raged across Europe, early settlers in colonial America were free to practice their religious beliefs. America was founded by Christians seeking a place where they could live, worship their God, and manage their own affairs far away from a tyrannical king and the pope’s Roman civil law.
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Foundation Study Part 21
Virtue is our Foundation
American History and Common Law
For you to truly understand and appreciate our American Heritage we begin on the European continent because that is where America’s Founding Father’s ancestors came from. And though America has become the world’s melting pot, the census of 2010 shows that 72% or 225 million Americans are of European decent. The early settlers–the colonists—were from England.
“The pagan Anglo-Saxons discovered and put into practice the elements of the Common Law. Following their migration to the British Island, the Word of God nurtured these precepts and replaced their false gods with the God of the Bible.”
“496 AD—The earliest known record of Anglo-Saxon folk law issued on the European Continent under King Clovis, following his conversion to Jesus Christ.”
“865 AD—Earliest known record of the Anglo-Saxons’ compilation of Volkriht (folk law) issued by Ethelbert, Christian king of Kent. The ancient folk law not only hit the perpetrator where it hurt (the money bag) and, therefore, was a deterrent, but also compensated the victim. Neither the Volkriht nor the Bible advocates a prison system to punish or deter crime. Christianity adopted the Volkriht of the Anglo-Saxon, which England later called the Common Law. Being an Island, Britain continued to provide an insulated environment. This insulation assisted the Common Law in warding off the onslaught of civil law. The genus of Common Law’s nature is that it demands conflict: it draws life and strength from adversity. The Common Law used competition to enhance its essence, strengthen its identity, and expand its influence. The Anglo-Saxon earls (elders) elected each of their kings, who served at their pleasure, and whom they permitted to rule, enact laws, and levy taxes, but only by the earls’ advice and with their consent. They decided cases in moot (collective assembly) voting. Magna Carta affirmed this custom with Common Law’s trial by jury and the grand jury, which rises out of the People.”
Common Law
The goal of common law is to insure due process with a view toward justice and restitution to the victim. Natural law, a.k.a. common law, found in the Bible, is that gift of God that our Founding Fathers rediscovered by grace and claimed for themselves and their posterity.
History reveals that Common Law was first gifted to Israel, in 1407 BC; a people who enjoyed 400 years of prosperity and security before losing it to immorality and the rejection of God. It was rediscovered by the Anglo Saxons and brought to England about 400 AD; and was lost again due to immorality and the rejection of God. Founded once more in 1789, are we now destined to lose this precious gift by succumbing to immorality and the rejection of God?
“Rule by God—Common Law is process oriented, focusing its attention on insuring the process due each party before the court. Common law trusts observance of due process to render up a true result. The goal of common law is to insure due process with a view toward justice. Common law courts allow the adversity afforded by due process to test legislation’s application.” - Brent Allan Winters, [Book - Excellence of the Common Law (2009)].
The knowledge and understanding gained in this study will enable us to work together to reclaim the Judicial and Political processes. However, processes are not the same as rights. Your Rights are unalienable, and you assume them at birth. But, your rights, per the state, are currently whatever your elected servants claim them to be. That is the definition of tyranny. Essentially this is the main difference between common law and civil law.
In his book, “Excellence of the Common Law,” Brent Winters explains some of the differences between Common law and Civil law. Here is a summary of some of the differences:
• In Common law, each individual receives direct authority from God. In civil law, the state is the deity.
• In Common law, the jury can judge both the law and the facts of the case and their decision is final. In Civil law, the State’s word is the law and the jury is not allowed to judge the law, but only the facts of the case.
• In Common law, the right to a trial by jury is a foremost defining quality. In Civil law, many people chose summary judgement to avoid the high cost of a jury trial.
• Common law is due process, or the law of the land, which preserves our rights. Civil law relies on judicial rules and procedures alone to preserve the laws of the state, not our rights.
• Common law places government officers and magistrates under the same law as the people. In Civil law, all judges and magistrates are civil servants of the state, not of the people.
• In Common law, impeachment and removal of public servants is allowed. In Civil law, removal of civil servants and heads of state is extremely difficult.
• Common law demands independence of the judiciary, forbidding the executive or legislative power from meddling with the courts. Civil law allows the executive branch to manipulate the judiciary and the judiciary to manipulate the law.
• Common law only operates in Courts of Record. Civil law operates in courts not of record, and concerns itself with statutes, codes, regulations, ordinances and other de facto diversions.
NLA has a lawful plan and a lawful goal. Our Plan is to reinstate the “Law of the Land” [Article VI clause 2] in our courts and government. Our Goal is to save the Constitutional Republic that was created and entrusted to us by the founding fathers.
Man is endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable Rights and governments are instituted among men to secure these Rights. The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle “We the People” to judge People in His name, government servants (judges) cannot. The King of the common law court is God and We the People as Jurists sit on the Kings bench who’s will we must reflect. We the People, being the arbiter of the law, have the authority and a duty to judge and decide all things with a sense of Honor, Justice and Mercy. We judge the facts, the law, and sentencing with an eye on restitution. Incarceration is for violent criminals when there is a danger to the public but even in these cases restitution must be applied. Any elected or appointed servant that denies the People this unalienable right in our courts of Justice wars against both the King and His bench.
Common Law Is Common Sense
Humans know right from wrong. First, do no harm. This maxim is written in the hearts of men. Common Law is supported by the US Constitution and is the Law of the Land. Download a copy of the Common Law Handbook.
Read and understand the foundational documents: the Declaration of 1776, The Constitution and its capstone Bill of Rights, and Common Law. You will gain the basic knowledge and a foundation to build upon. When finished with this Foundational Study, you will know more on the subject matter than 90% of your peers and you will be prepared to take action in NLA and your community.
Most people find themselves lacking an understanding of how government functions prior to this study. Listen to the video by Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University explain this by clicking the link below.
The following video link visually and graphically explains the petit jury and the grand being OVER the Constitution and belonging solely to the people.
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Foundation Study Part 22
The Pilgrims Journey Documentary
In PART 2 - NLA TRANSFORMATION and our American Heritage you learned about the history of Christianity in our nation from David Barton’s U.S. Capitol Tour. He shared the history of how important Christianity was to America’s early statesmen and the general public. American roots were formed from Christian beliefs. There was no separation of church and state at that time. In fact, today, 73% of Americans call themselves “Christians.” Hard to believe when you listen to mainstream media.
We begin the FACTUAL history of the founding of America with the Pilgrims, a small group of courageous English men and women who were Puritans and persecuted for their religious beliefs. They were not part of the Church of England and were hunted and put in prison for their religious beliefs. After years of planning and a few unsuccessful attempts to flee to the New World, a small group of Puritans finally made the treacherous journey across the Atlantic and landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts on November 15, 1620 just as winter was setting in. Only 45 of the original 102 Mayflower passengers survived that first winter.
Their story of persecution, escape, survival, and finally establishing a small thriving community is a true American “underdog comes out on top” story. These brave men and women didn’t hold out their hand for the government to help them. They created a life and community for themselves and their posterity where they were free to worship their God, where they looked after one another, and where they formed a government by consent.
The Mayflower Compact was written and signed in 1620 while the Pilgrims were still aboard the Mayflower, The Compact created a government civil charter for the Pilgrims and the other passengers who were members of the Church of England, merchants, indentured servitude men, and members of the Mayflower crew.
This Charter laid the groundwork for the future self-governance in America. This Charter bound this group of settlers to one another and to the land they now called home. And it was critical to their survival during the first winter; everyone worked together as a team to assure the survival of as many as possible. They were a small group of people dedicated to making a better life here, in the New World, free from religious persecution and the tyrannical reign of a king or queen.
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Foundation Study Part 23
The Difference between a Republic and a Democracy
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Foundation Study Part 24
The Philosophy of Liberty -Self Ownership
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Foundation Study Part 25
Intro - Individualism vs Collectivism
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Foundation Study Part 26
Origin & Nature of Human Rights
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Foundation Study Part 27
Group Supremacy
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Foundation Study Part 28
Coercion vs Freedom
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Foundation Study Part 29
Equality and Inequality under Law
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Foundation Study Part 30
Individualism vs Collectivism
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Foundation Study Part 31
Committee of Safety
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Foundation Study Part 32
Admiralty law, Common law and the Sovereign
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Foundation Study Part 33
First Follower Leadership Lessons
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Foundation Study Part 34
Duty of The County Sheriff
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The End
You have reached the end of our Foundation study and we now suggest that you take our introduction to the Constitution course, civics course, Government by Consent course, militia course, and Jury Administrator course. After completing all these courses you will have achieved the knowledge that every American should possess. NLA provides more advanced studies which are found under our “Education Starts Here” tab, which are self-education studies.
You can purchase the book “Government by Consent, 1000 pages, written by one of NLA’s founders, John Darash, CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS. John Darash is also writing another book titled “Court Access” planned to be released in 2022. []
We strongly suggest that you also attend our Monday Night Conference call where we teach and discuss various issues concerning our “American Heritage” and “Government by Consent” and have an open forum. Or download and listen to our weekly call found under our “Weekly Call” tab.
We also have two other courses by others. You can find their links on the right side of our web pages.
“The Federalist Papers” sponsored by Hillsdale College. And, “How to Win in Court,” this course is written by a BAR Attorney and has its problems because he references the civil law instead of the common law. But the value of the book is in the court process and how to write papers. But it is important to note that you can ignore the civil law and rules and apply the common law and common law rules.