Welcome To National Liberty Alliance And Our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY

Part II - Who Is National Liberty Alliance?


National Liberty Alliance (NLA) is, first and foremost, an Educational Facility that leads by example and teaches our members to do likewise in their counties and townships. There is no other Alliance that has accomplished what we have accomplished, done what we have done, gone where we have gone, and is doing what we are doing. Today National Liberty Alliance is recognized as a force to be reckoned with by those in power.

During the course of the massive national mail and fax effort we undertook in early summer of 2015, we presume, the question asked by many was, “Who is National Liberty Alliance?”  Prior to this effort, only a handful of people were familiar with NLA as the organization functioned quietly in the background.

During 2015, we started an aggressive mailing and faxing campaign to notify our government servants of their violations of the Constitution, due process, and our rights, as well as other subversive and treasonous acts. All Oath Takers,  including law clerks, US Marshals, Sheriffs, Supreme Court and Federal court judges, Joint Chiefs of Staff, FBI, US and State Representatives and Senators were notified of these violations. As a result of this aggressive campaign with FAX machines running 24/7, many government servants became aware of NLA.  

Some of our state leadership received calls to stop the mailing and faxing.  As a result, a few members were paid a visit by the FBI, who incidentally, had been included on the distribution list for all documents generated. We are not certain whether they were sent out to intimidate us, to find out who was preparing the documents, or to discover our ultimate objectives. In all instances, the FBI and U.S. Marshals had no issues of concern. The lines of communication were left open.  

Oath Takers and Oath Keepers - These Oath Takers, not to be confused with Oath Keepers; are the elected officials who we were putting on NOTICE that their actions were being watched by We the People, and business as usual was not going to be tolerated.  On May 13, 2015, We the People refiled the Writ Quo Warranto followed by a series of six Writ Mandamuses, exposing in-depth violations; and commanding said servants to obey and perform specific actions, remember their sworn Oath to guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and to protect each of them against invasion from enemies both Foreign and Domestic (Article IV Section 4).  Failure to comply with these observed actions makes them enemies of the People.  

Taking an Oath is one thing. Keeping an Oath is quite another.  The latter requires moral character, integrity and strength of conviction in their understanding of the law of the land; the Constitution. Go here to read some of the documents we sent to them: https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org

Scrolling down the page at the above link, shortly after the video Subversion, you will see a list of seven documents starting with the Writ Quo Warranto mentioned above. Please read some of these as it is an education in and of itself, and will provide you with a better understanding of Common Law.  Then watch the video on Subversion - The Line in the Sand. Reading the footnotes is an important part of your education. Footnotes offer clarity and enhance your understanding of the intent of the statement.  

Government by consent of the governed - In a true Constitutional Republic, Committeemen play a vital role. This will be discussed in our Government by Consent course.  We encourage all of our members to complete this course. There are three constitutional duties in which people must participate to achieve and sustain self-government once making peace with their potter [Isaiah 64:8]:  The jury, committeemen and the militia. Everyone must become a committeeman in their election district at least once in their lifetime; every able bodied man between 17 and 45 years of age must join the militia; and, finally, everyone must serve on the jury when called.  If we are not willing and do not teach our children as well to do these things, we turn the reigns of our government over to tyrants.  The Committeemen is a role of Honor we should all strive to hold during the course of our life time.  It is the consent of the Committeemen that governs the direction of our Government by placing men and women of knowledge, honor, integrity, and good character before the voters, giving them real choice.

An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens.” - Thomas Jefferson

PART III - Transformation


Roger Locke Sr's picture


Will's picture

Made modifications to Headings and Bolded videos Titles.