Start effort to Force Country Commissioners to give the people there Common Law Court - From the top down and the bottom up!

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Start effort to Force Country Commissioners to give the people there Common Law Court - From the top down and the bottom up!

We can get a bunch of people on board and show in mass at Commissioners Meetings nation wide and tell them to give us our Common Law Courts or else. Of course, the leadership of the NLA could help with the strategy. Good Stuff. One of the main talkers here is Karl Lentz. He's like another John D.

Listening to this simple bottom up idea starting at 02:36:00 in this mp3 conversation:

02:36:00 If these are Public Courts (public facilities), why are the courts dominated by Bar Lawyers who does Statutory - go to the County Commissioner and request that we can have common law court, a retired Judge, to manage between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

The Clerk of the Court is the one who enforces the law through the orders, through the sheriff. The Judge (or magistrate) only manages the court.

Only there Jurisdiction is being heard.

The people are being forced to try to get there common law court in these inferior courts. We need to come together as a tribunal.