Abortion - Yea - Nay - or Murder?

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Infamous Keny
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Abortion - Yea - Nay - or Murder?

When Does Life Begin
That can be Murdered?
How is a living creature identified from the smallest part, as small as a single cell, as a unique and differentiated creature, inclusive of People /Human(s), AND,
1.    Is recognized as accurate for purposes of identifying one man or woman in the entire world by all known medical authorities; and,
2.    Is recognized as accurate for purposes of identifying one man or woman in the entire world by all Law Enforcement Agencies for investigative purposes in identifying a victim and /or suspect who is not otherwise identifiable; and,
3.    Is recognized as accurate for purposes of identifying one man or woman in the entire world by all Judicial systems /Rules of Evidence for identifying a victim and /or defendant; and,
4.    Comes into existence in a woman’s womb shortly after conception of the fetus as a uniquely identifiable Boy or Girl and NEVER changes throughout the lifetime of the Party Identified; and,
5.    If terminated (killed) can /will NEVER exist again; and,
6.    Can only be identified by the identifying feature and if reference is made on documentation is “John /Jane Doe” or “John Doe /Jane Doe Name*” (*where ‘Name’ is the Parent(s) Family Name); and,
THAT IDENTIFYING FEATURE IS DNA, and as such, the fetus is a unique and identifiable Human Being; and,
If you KILL a Human Being it is a HOMICIDE (if he /she /it is a threat to your, or others’, Life it may be ‘justifiable homicide’) /MURDER.