De facto judges are operating a state sanctioned racket [RICO] courts. These predators operating under the color of law are taking our homes and unlawfully imprisoning us for money.
Because our elected and appointed servants refuse to protect and champion the Peoples cause, We the People through the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury will champion the cause with a relentless determination to bring justice upon these wicked stewards. We Promise!
Against IRS Tax Court.
Step #1: If you have not yet “Registered” with National Liberty Alliance please do so now before filing your case.
Step #2: If you have not yet signed up for the “Civics Course” please do so now before filing your case.
Step #3: Download the Intake Form below save it to your desktop and fill it out.
Step #4: Download the Affidavit Form below, save it to your desktop and fill it out, do not have it notarized until we check it.
Step #5: Go to the court clerk and get a copy of your Court Docket*, if they ask why, tell them you just want to be informed in your case; ultimately it’s none of their business and this is public information
Step #6: Scan your: Intake Form and docket for emailing.
Step #7: Email the (1) "Intake Form", (2) "Affidavit Form" and (3) "Court Docket" to and somebody will call you ASAP.
Step #8: After your affidavit is approved you will need to print two (2) copies and have it notarized; then mail one original affidavit with a $60 or more donation to offset our certified mailing and printing costs too:
National Liberty Alliance;
3979 Albany Post Road, Suite 107;
Hyde Park, New York, 12538.
Those who are unable to donate to offset our costs will not be rejected but will take a little longer to file while we wait for other donations to come in to pay the costs. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Your Writ Habeas Corpus will sit in the Que and not be filed until we receive your Affidavit.
Step #9: Attend our Monday night telephone conference calls at 9PM EST to keep up to date and learn and ask questions, for details click on "Weekly Call" on the top left above or below the blue bar for instructions
Step #10: Continue the Civics Course to completion as it will aid you immeasurably in your court case and the methodology we will be employing.
Step #11: While waiting for the Grand Jury to process your case continue to cooperate with the court.
CASE TRACKING: To track your case go to >
*A docket is simply a record of the proceedings of a court case. Dockets vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in type of information recorded, the detail of the information, and availability to the public. Some jurisdictions have free online docket systems while others require subscription to a database or even visiting the court in-person. More about Docket Research at:
Intake Forms