Howdy Alabama!

Anonymous's picture


stephenpgursey's picture

Good aftenoon,
I am a transplant from the communist north east now living outside of Birmingham (Hoover).
Just wanted to say hello to my adoped family here in the sane state of Alabama. I love being away from the insanity I unfortunately grew up with.
Also I am just getting into the training on National Liberty Alliance website. Any and all help would be appreciated.
I have a few ideas about promoting NLA

KandyKay87's picture

Hi all I live in rainbow city which is etowah county. It's time to set some shit straight y'all.

ajmiley's picture

Do you have a few hours a month to help set up a County Committee of Safety in your county?
Contact me, or reply here.
I am the Alabama District Coordinator for NLA. It is time to get to work...
Looking forward to hearing from you.  A. J. Miley

Brother Patriot's picture

I currently reside in the capital city and have watched it's decline with much  sadness. As with our country, this state is not beyond redemption but we need to act now if we are to reverse what has been done by our apathy. As soon as possible you need to acquire "Govwernment by Consent" and "Court Access and the Common Law" to start  your education.

ajmiley's picture

Start a County Committee of Safety in your county, and I will note that you have done so, when it is posted as being started.
Really no need to contact me unless you need some help. If I see you on the board, then I may contact you to see how you are doing...
Thank you... A. J. MIley

star-child MORRIS SR.'s picture

need a common law lawyer need talk to JOHN ok thank you.

Fighting for liberty's picture

Hi! I'm a transplant from Texas, moved to Alabama a little over 2 years ago. About 13 months ago the rose colored glasses came off and I was able to see the clear injustices and the total encroachment on our rights and liberties. I am looking for a Common Law Lawyer, no one associated with the Bar! Here in Mobile County the Federal system is eating our Alabama State Nationals and spitting them out. please, if anyone knows of any Common Law Lawyer, send them my way or share their info with me. We have many of us in this County that are seeing things much differently and tireleasily trying to learn our Rights, since we've been led to believe we have none. Thanks and I'm really looking forward to seeing us get our country back!!

ajmiley's picture

Send me a reply . I am the District Coordinator for Alabama. I am looking for people who want to do some work...
We need to get our County Committees of safety started.
A. J. Miley

Infamous Keny's picture

email me: and I can send you copies of some of the items /documents we're using to PUBLISH our capacity and Standing as CONSTITUENTS to our Washington Republic   ...