Sign-up for the “Court Access and the Common Law Course.”
"America is a Common Law Republic our Heritage is in the Law and our Inheritance is Liberty.
If we do not know the Law you cannot know the depths of our Liberty!
And if we don't know and use it, we will surly lose it!!!" - John Darash
This course was recorded live between 2-25-23 tru 8-5-23 in 24 Sessions and is about 90 hours. And is available for full review at any time and indefinatly. For those who are joining the course after the recording you will find that you will receive all the benefits of this course as those who attended it live. If you have any comments or questions you can come to our Monday Night “Open Forum” by clicking on our “Monday Night Call” tab on the top left side of our web site.
Start Date – Saturday 2-25-23 (All clases were video recorded for access anytime.)
Live Course rwas Video Recorded
Course Duration – 90 Hours (24 Sessions)
Cost of Course – $100.00
Watch the first class recorded 2-25-23 below
See Table of Contents below
Participant Requirements –
(1) You must be an NLA Member to join the course. If you are not a member, you can register here.
(2) You must be Logged in on your NLA Member account before proceeding to the next step. If you are not logged in you can login here.
(3) You must be an “NLA Premier Member;” A Premier member is one who supports NLA with a monthly donation of $5 or more. Click here to become a Premier Member now. Being a premier member also gives you access to two other courses (1) Government by Consent Course and (2) Jury Administrator Accredited Course. You also have access to four other FREE courses; the Foundation Study, Civics Course, Introduction to the Constitution, and Militia Course.
(4) You will need to purchase the book “Court Access and the Common Law” here.
(5) Sign up for the course below by credit card, check, or money order below.
Once you sign up you will receive an e-mail with all the information to access the video recordings and access to all the documents, forms, written istructions, written materials, downloads, etc. If you have any questions come to our "Monday Night Call - Click Here." Or contact
To Sign up and pay by Credit Card For immediate access (check your e-mail for access information)
To Download Application to pay by Check or Money Order (once we process your application, we will email access information to you)
Couples in the same household need only pay $125. After signing up contact in order to activate access for your spouse. Or, if you are signing up by check or money order, fill out two applications with your (1) $125 payment. Once your application is received and processed, we will e-mail you an access code with instructions to join the course.
If you cannot pay the $125 in full, you can sign up by mail and send a partial payment with your application and note on the bottom of your application your payment plan that works for you.
This is a Video Course. Audio will also be available and will still give you a valuable education but video will be far superior. Each part of this Course was posted on a private page so you will always have unlimited access to review it indefinitely.
This course will teach court procedure and all the Essentials along with a proper state of mind in order to control the court and an interfering judge. You will learn all the necessary basics to write an Action and all the necessary motions. We will cover both criminal and civil proceedures. You will learn the best strategies and forms to defend yourself and win in Traffic Court, Non-Judicial Foreclosure cases, IRS cases, Habeas Corpus, criminal cases, and civil law cases, and filing the court papers, writing an Action at Law, defenses, affidavits, file on demand, affidavit of service by mail, summons, pleadings, memorandums, exhibits evidence, motions, amending the pleadings, discovery, request for admissions, etc., etc., and so much more.
You will learn all about Jurisdiction and how to keep it, the Author of Law, ten foundational self-evident truths, the republic, next friend/assistant counsel, how to deal with/control a judge who refuses to be obedient to the law, the power of Writs, how to open a Court of Record, rudimentary precepts, foot notes, in pro per, license, next friend, two meanings, proper use of statutes, codes and regulations, rules of common law, court at law, the difference between law and equity, origins of natural law, at law, positive law, the general rule, sovereignty is not subject to law, the author and source of law, the two courts, courts of limited jurisdiction, courts of law, courts of equity, jurisdiction and sovereignty, causes of action, case examples strategies and mindset, affirmative defenses, punitive damages, case examples, ready for trial, extraordinary writs, and enforcement.
TAKE NOTE - This course is a requirement for those who have attached their case to our case against the Federal Judiciary. It is also a requirement for those who want to become a "Jury Administrator."
To Sign up and pay by Credit Card (check your e-mail for access information)
To Sign up and pay by Check or Money Order (once we process your application, we will email access information)
Democracy v Republic
Law and Equity
America a Natural Law Republic
Ten Foundational Self Governing Truths
America was founded upon Christianity
The Sovereign Citizen Movement
Right to Practice Law
8 Abrogation of the Law of the Land
List of Lawful Equity Courts
Controlling Supreme Court Cases
Grand Jury
MS Word Formatting
Law Dictionaries
Founding Documents
Founders Quotes
U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
U.S. Codes
Acts of Congress
State Constitutions
Foot Notes
Legal Information Institute
Pleadings Opening a Court of Record
Index No Form and RJI
File on Demand
Federal Cover Sheet
Action at Law
Federal Cover Sheet
Law of the Case 1
Law of the Case 2
Affidavit of Service
Defendants Answer
Affirmative Defense
Plaintiffs Answer
Judgment On The Pleadings
Moving the Court for Cause
Federal Jurisdiction Challenge
Punitive Damages
Damages for Breaches of Privacy
NRS Chapter 42 damages
Causes of Action
Affirmative Defenses
Motion Examples
Notice of Motion
Motion Continuance
Motion Default Judgment
Motion Extension of Time
Motion Judicial Notice
Motion Protective Order
Motion Reconsideration
Motion Summary Judgment
Motion in Limine
Motion to Amend
Motion to Compel Discovery
Motion to Determine Sufficiency
Motion to Dismiss Failed to Prove Jurisdiction
Motion to Dismiss Failed to State Cause of Action
Motion to Dismiss Improper Venue
Motion to Dismiss Scandalous and Impertinent
Motion to Dismiss Subject Matter
Motion to Dismiss for a More Definite Statement
Motion to Exceed Page Limit
Motion to Release
Motion to Return to Originating Court
Motion to Seal
Motion to Show Cause Contempt of Court
Motion to Strike
Motion to dismiss Lack of personal jurisdiction
Notice of Deposition
Notice of Hearing
Petition Injunction
Request for Admissions
Request for Interrogatories
Request for Production
Memorandums of Law Format
Oath and Bond
Acts of Treason by Judiciary
Amendment II
Amendment X
Amendment XIII
America was founded upon Christianity
Article III Courts
Balance of Power
Common Law
Court of Record
Democracy v Republic
Founding Fathers concerns about judiciary
Government by Consent
Grand Jury Authority
Habeas Corpus
High Treason
Jurisdiction Natural Law
Jury Nullification
Jury Tampering
Jury Tampering & Stacking
Law and Equity
Law and Jurisdiction
Non Judicial Foreclosure
Seditious Conspiracy
Solution Gov by Consent
Statutes Codes Regulations
The IRS Fraud
USC Title 18
USC Title 26
Federal Rules of Civl Procedure
Rules of the Court
Rule 12(b)(6)(1)
CHAPTER 8 - Petit Jury Handbook
CHAPTER - 9 Recap, Additional Notes & Ready for Trial
Ready For Trial
Certificate of Readiness
Note of Issue
Standard Civil Voir Dire Questions
Trial Notebook
Bill of Particulars
Petit Jury Handbook
Standard Civil Voir Dire Questions
Declaration of inmate filing
Writ of Seizure and Sale
Writ to Cease and Desist
Extraordinary Writs
Writ Habeas Corpus
Writ Quo Warranto
Writ of Seizure and Sale
Writ to Cease and Desist
Notice and Demand
Instructions Surety Bonds
Oath and Bond Enforcement
Traffic/Code Violation
Traffic Court Argument
File on Demand
Traffic Ticket Show Cause
Affidavit of default
Instructions for Removal for cause
Instructions for Challenging Jurisdiction
Habeas Corpus
IRS Action Case example
4490-Proof of claim
56-Fiduciary Relationship
Congressman McFadden And the Federal Reserve Bank
Cooper IRS File
Federal Mafia
Judicial Notice
National Liberty Alliance
Committee of Safety
On-line Resources
To Sign up and pay by Credit Card (check your e-mail for access information)
To Sign up and pay by Check or Money Order (once we process your application, we will email access information)